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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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>Sir, we forgot to give the bad guys in our first person shootie game an assault rifle
<we did? which ones? whatever, just use this.
>for all the levels?
>does it matter? everyone knows the african tribalists, the arab terrorist jihadists and the russian autocrats all use rusty aks with no modifications, oh and don't forget to give cool gimmicks to the M16s of our good guy
>the grenade launcher, the dual mag or the Infrared vision optics?


What assault rifle would they use besides Aks?


>the americans are busy playing adult lego with their M16 attachments while the third world enemies have more important things to do
historically accurate


They even still use them in the 26th century in the Halo canon lol.


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> african tribalists
>the arab terrorist jihadistsand
>the russian autocrats


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litsen here bud, around here we call them by fake names like Kastov or Vaznev, don't wanna get a lawsuit.


wouldn't be surprised if that happened assuming that warfare didn't become complete transcendental or something. people still use the 1911 and it's over 110 years old now.


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i get this feeling around india and pakistan, some families, probably ones with grandparents in the colonial army are still using grandpa's old pre 1900s rifle from the raj era for hunting because, why buy a new thing when the old thing works just fine?

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