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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Just a plain ass bolt action for the absolute annoyance that was the nazi army. It’s fucking sobering to think about too. All that obnoxious propaganda, all those mandatory speeches, all that money wasted on stupid designs and constantly breaking firearms, and this ends up being the greatest thing these morons ever made. The strongest weapon to ever grace the hordes of fascistic scum is the most bland, mediocre, and uninspired rifle imaginable. The list of failures fascists have in their history is truly endless…

what about the V2 Rocket?

the StG 44 was cool though.

Worthless as a war weapon for them, cost much more than bombers and did less damage

Cope terror bombing didn't help the Nazis do anything other than get hired by the US later but I guess we can say it was effective

the mp40 was decent tho. the mg42 was also decent and influenced future weapons(m60). And the stg 44 was interesting.

werent german tanks better than allied ones?

yes but no.

Yeah it was also inefficient and a pain in the ass to maintain; just like every other nazi trash ever developed. You want to know why I’m particularly disappointed? Footsoldiers, I.e. riflemen made up at least 90% of the entire German military. Imagine being the dickheads stuck with that dumbass Buddhist drug addicted dick-tator and then realizing every weapon in your military is overpriced trash while the only useful thing available to you is a shitty carbine. All that slave labour, recruitment, propaganda, and funding was a fucking waste, and anybody that joined that stupid war got duped.
They also were hard to make and hard, hard to maintain, and hard to repair. The German army at its highest only had around 1500 of them compared to the zones of thousands available to both the soviets and the American militaries throughout the entire war.

1v1, the heavy tanks were, but the problem is they required like 40 times (literally) more manhours to create due to German autism and high requirements, also they were horribly unreliable and resource intensive. Overall the T-34 was the best tank of the war, not because it was the best 1v1 but it was clearly the best- weapon of war.

I mean TBF all the armies in WW2 were mainly using single shot rifles at the start, except maybe the Soviets who got in late and had SMGs by that time, but then so did the Nazis by that time as well.

>the amount of nazi sympathizers in this thread
This shit is why teaching history accurately is important. None of you idiots are catching on to how much of an utter joke fascists actually fucking are. Just like with confederates, these morons aren’t just evil for their shit ideas, but the fact that these morons are in fact fucking stupid. NATO media portrays nazis as competent fighters when in reality most of their military was full of teenagers, druggies, and illiterates using horses and marches to get anywhere while nearly every other state surrounding them had motorcycles, APCs, and trucks at that point. Most of the shitty tech that these fuckers even got were the byproducts of having billions thrown at their dumbass industries by central banks, and even then, their dumbass drug addicted leader ended up being historically anti intellectual and against technology anyways. The entire nazi economy was the byproduct of being thrown endless loans and funds that ultimately fueled the debt that took the German republic decades to get out of with the support of the American government.
Nearly every point in nazi history is filled with freak incidents of incompetence, violence, wastefulness, and mediocrity. Nazism is a fucking cancer along with the naive Israelis, Slavs, and Mexicans that support this trash ideology.

come on man, not literally every thing the nazis came up with was bad, they did have some good inventions and weapons, just overall not enough to overcome their terrible situation (which they themselves caused obviously)

I dont think calling the mp40 and mg42 decent is equal to nazi sympathizing. I dont see how thats nazi sympathizing.

No, no not even once did these fuckers accomplish anything.

The Kar 98 is obviously not a nazi invention.
(No, reducing the length in 1935 does not count)

in fact it was just the old german empire 1st world war bolt action and they just cutted it to be shorter to avoid restrictions imposed to germany on weaponmaking kek

and you failed to even mention the mystical esoteric schizo madness kek

what about Strasserism tho, they seemed not so terrible

What is this historical revisionism? German engineering was goated in many ways
The german machine guns were top of the line

>being objective is nazi sympathy
Jibbering idiot

The Nazis didn't make it either, the K98k was just a carbine version of the Mauser 98 which was designed in the German Empire. That being said the MP-40 was pretty good, since it's hard to screw up a straight blowback submachine gun. Yugoslavia copied it for their M56 and the Soviets copied its folding stock design for some versions of the AK. The MG-42 is also one of the GOAT GPMGs, and is still in service today. Outside of that their goofy wunderwaffe were mostly trash. The Sturmgewehr war conceptually revolutionary but poorly constructed, the FG-42 tried to be too many things at once and failed at all of them, G43 was notoriously flimsy and unreliable, etc etc.

the MG 42 is great i got to shoot it many times and i always had a blast.
It is a clunker to carry though

>NATO media portrays nazis as competent fighters
The rest of Europe must have been really pathetic then since with the exception of Britain and the USSR they were all conquered and occupied by them.
>their military was full of teenagers, druggies, and illiterates
Its nice that the Nazis allowed all the non-drug addicted, literate, military aged men to sit out the war.
>while nearly every other state surrounding them had motorcycles, APCs, and trucks at that point
First off, that's not true. The German army was more mechanized than most others at the start of the war, though by the late war they were significantly less mechanized by the major allies, especially the US. That being said, I fail to see how lacking the industrial capacity to mechanized as fully as other armies makes them "stupid".
>Nearly every point in nazi history is filled with freak incidents of incompetence, violence, wastefulness, and mediocrity.
True, but they were still pretty fucking dangerous and managed to slaughter tens of millions of people and conquer multiple countries. I don't see why hating them has to mean acting like they weren't a serious threat.

>conquered and occupied by them
lets be honest most didint put up a fight and some just let them in with flowers

Apart from Austria nobody really "let them in". They all attempted to put up a fight but were simply significantly outmatched, even when they had allied support as in the case of Norway, France, and Greece.

it's also illusionary to believe that there was some kind of coherence and discipline within the state apparatus. everything was a constant shit show of overlapping competencies, nepotism, corruption, sabotage and infighting.
for example, there was, until the war ended, constant warring between Goebbel's Ministry of Propaganda and Rust's Ministry of Science, Education and National Culture in regard to censorship of libraries. Both circulated lists containing verboten books and texts (other political entities did as well). The lists were mostly based on vibes, so anything deemed bolshevik or marxist was banned. The lists contradicted each other, no one librarian ever was sure which list was correct as they contradicted each other and themselves constantly. Also, up until the end, state and university libraries where except from actual destruction of banned books. Some locked them away for researchers, some had them publicly displayed with a note that stated as much as 'pls only for science, danke'.
Public libraries were less lucky, they got purged quite well. The substitued political scribes where not well liked and the public went to private librabries instead.

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You’re either trying to undermine the sacrifice of the Soviet Union and various partisan units by claiming that the fascist war machinery simply defeated itself because of sheer incompetence OR you use whatever ideology you hold as replacement-religion where things invented under an enemy ideology is icky, has magical properties and is cursed, so it can’t be copied.

Thankfully the military minds of the USSR weren’t dogmatic retards, so good things were instantly copied, like mountaineering gear, jerry cans, V2s, cameras, optics and many more things.

Not a single T-26 tanker went “Oh wooow this T-26 is a copy of the Vickers 6-Ton I really feel inadequate now!”

On the contrary, being scared of copying enemy designs is actually hurting the war effort.

There's some things where the nazis were legit ahead of everyone else but it's not really known about widely. Sonars for one; the hydrophones from the Prinz Eugen were reverse-engineered post war by the US and a superior replacement wouldn't be put into service until the 1980s. Similarly, the entire first generation of Cold War submarines basically boiled down to "copy the Type XXI" because it was just that great of a leap over anything previous. Over in Asia Japan basically wrote the book on modern amphibious operations with the Daihatsu landing craft, alongside their dedicated supporting depot ships like LPDs and LHDs.

Still didn't make up for the logistical nightmare and the many boondoggles of course, but it's worth giving them a fair assessment.

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>The strongest weapon to ever grace the hordes of fascistic scum is the most bland, mediocre, and uninspired rifle imaginable
as the owner of two Mausers, I take offense at this characterization of a descendant of the Gewehr 98, one of Paul Mauser's finest designs

the nazis were powerful because germany is a relatively large country in europe that also has more industrial capital
they also benefited from heavily militarizing at a time when most european nation-states werent prepared for war at all, and had meager standing militaries
of course, this advantage would end when they came across the british empire as well as the newly industrialized soviet union, and then finally the americans who were doing a ton of government spending including into military at the time thanks to the new deal

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Don't forget the P38. It was a very versatile, well designed pistol that directly inspired the S&W M39 and introduced mechanisms now used in many modern pistols. It was kind of a big deal.

And, of course, the ME 262 plane.

Yeah and it kill 60 million people LOL

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They invented the GPMG and quick change barrels
>MG 34: The Pioneer of Quick-Change Barrels
>The MG 34 (Maschinengewehr 34) was a groundbreaking general-purpose machine gun that incorporated several innovative features: Quick-Change Barrel System
< The MG 34 allowed for rapid barrel changes, addressing the problem of overheating during sustained fire2
< This feature was crucial for maintaining the weapon's high rate of fire without compromising its effectiveness in prolonged engagements.
MG42 is just an all around improvement of it. All the FN MGs that are basically NATO standard are based on this. Yugoslavia also converted a bunch.

>V2 Rocket
>Type XXI Submarine
>Sd.Kfz. 234/2
Lol. Lmao even

Kek German army was outnumbered in almost every engagement against the Soviets from the start of Operation Barbarossa and still managed to push them back to the volga. Stalin needed pic related plus a second front to be opened in Europe to push them back.

the moment the nazis lost the surprise advantage and the USSR was able to put up a proper defense they began to lose. hitler was doomed to fail after invading the USSR. The soviets didn't need a second front to be opened, it was the western allies wanting to prevent soviet control of europe that caused it.

no source. discarded.


Lol not arguement. Also, the StuG III and Messerschmidt Bf109 were the most successful tanks and aircraft of the war respectively.

>Le land lease
>Something that happened after Stalingrad and amounted to 2% of Soviet production was le true killing blow against nazis
US bracket fanfiction being spread here now ?

LMAO bf109 was soooo great that it was destroyed by outdated Hurricanes over and over during the Battle of Britain. All these nazi fighter aces with 1000 kills only got that number by farming biplanes, when they faced fighters they were shot down like dogs. The average Soviet (and British and American) pilot was both far more skilled and much braver than a nazi dog.

>and British and American
nah they got their asses kicked in korea and vietnam

That weapon isn't even nazi and in their autistic Kraut space magic, the nazis have made absolute banger weapons. Rockets, jet engine the type XXI, the first assault rifle, the best machine gun ever…

The tanks were a great example of everything right and wrong for every side.
Krauts went autistic and tailored one million halftrack models and overengineered fuel drinkers, capitalists had more industries than reasonably needed and made tanks like carriers: good but produced not to win the war but because the friend who own the factory said the economic crisis would evaporate if we just give him more money, while Stalin said quantity have a quality on its own, half the T34 broke on their way to the front, half of the remainings were destroyed and the other quarter made a parade in Berlin.

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