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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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>I kinda miss it when the military was portrayed as a hyper badass cool boys club, where there was beer and hot chicks everywhere, constantly.
>Why can't we go back to that?
>I wanna play a new call of duty, starting off as some kind of special operations unit
>And in the tutorial, when you do basic tasks an NPC says some shit like
>"Good we have you on the side of the US ARMY, we could really use a soldier like you"
>I wanna watch a movie, and it somehow ties into the US millitary and they film with real military vehicles doing cool shit like in the old transformers movies
>For fucks sake, can't I just have a ton of games that "totally weren't" sponsored by the millitary while subtly nudging you to join
>Like you just spawn in with a brand new sig spear and the character mumbles some shit like "only the best for the army"
>I wanna go and play a new game set in Ukraine or some shit, and the game portrays Russians as mustache twirling supervillains who clearly want to destroy America and everyone in it in the name of being evil

Now we get shit like "I have 2 moms" or some quirky E girl doing stupid shit.

What the hell is Psyops doing?

I remember when the us army made a game from, unreal engine called America's army I think it was called?

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What the hell is Psyops doing?
Evolving, they need the fresh meat recruits from the young generation so they appeal to what's currently popular. It's sort of like following your prey wherever it goes. If the deer goes in the snow or heat. You follow him or starve. It used to be appealing to boomeroids christian crusading fanfics or to destroying the enemies of the free world. But by the 2000s less kids attended bible studies or watched burgerstani propagand about communists on tv with the family. Too focused on epic p13 action movies and games. Gotta follow your prey where it goes. So they meddled in action games totally for kids and adult teens by showing off how could you could be too when you join the US army. Gotta follow your prey where it goes. Then it became anime and egirls for depressed teens. Gotta follow your prey. There's also the rise of progressvist ideas in the US. Hence the two moms ad. The US army saw that wave becoming more mainstream than ever. Gotta follow your prey..

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