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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Which one is cooler?
Which one is more practical?
Which one is more reliable?
Which one do you like more?
The ak is iconic, especially to leftist movements.
Feel free to talk about akms as well

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The 74-U. I always liked that little tyke before I learned it was a status symbol for post-soviet drug lords. I remember some stupid guiness or whatever called it a child soldier AK or some stupid shit.

i like the bakelite mags…

the akm because the steel stamped receiver can be made with home tools. the only parts you have to buy are the barrel, the piston, and the spring (and maybe the iron sights)
actually, there has to be some ak variant where you can 3d print everything besides those key parts. why would you 3d print a gas operated gun? because recoil and blowback operation tend to fail when the user can't properly handle the recoil, and I want a twinks-only army

The 74 is better. It has the same limitations you describe, but the ammo is being currently manufactured and is pretty plentiful. imho depends on if you're planning to shoot at armored targets. In this case, AKM. otherwise, 74

74u's are so sexy but whenever i think about them i imagine an 80s mujahedeen going to southside la and being amazed at all the thugs with mini-dracos

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