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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Are sikh warriors\generals really the GOAT historical warriors that everyones forgets? or is that sikh propaganda itself? I think it's extremely pathetic they fought FOR -not against- the br*tish protestant soap-peddling, anti-Satti, anti-Aghori, anti-Sadhu nudity, anti-Sacrifice invaders. I KNOW they're not Vedic, but still extremely pathetic to side with (((westerners)))
Anyways; are stories or narratives of great battles, conquests, raids, small troop vs huge army fights, etc, about sikh warriors historically real? or is it religious basedslop?
>Gatka shows are pretty fun

>Are sikh warriors\generals really the GOAT historical warriors that everyones forgets?
Warrior-worship is reactionary-crap. All of the great "warrior" cultures are gone, defunct, dead. The Nepalese Gurkhas hire themselves out as foreign mercenaries because there's nothing else to fucking do in Nepal. The Sikhs are just another ethnicity these days with their own history and should be treated as such.

Sikhs are progressive relative to vedism due to their anti-casteism

warrior culture is lame although the beard and turban combo looks sick as fuck. was on the train the other day thinking about how cool this guy looked in it and how he should be in royal dress in a court somewhere instead of wearing business causal at 8 am

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