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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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It’s too fast, so fast to the point where if you were driving a car you would need to be hours away from your destination to properly land this fucking thing when it’s zipping around at hundreds to thousands of kilometres an hour l

>How do people land this fucking thing
Step 1: deploy the landing gear
Step 2: land

It’s not that simple
For a machine as fast as it you’d have to be planning to land fucking several minutes to hours in advance otherwise your at risk of crashing the fucking thing not to mention the amount of time it would take to actually slow down without immediately causing injury to the pilot or destroying ports simply by landing poorly

You slow down you fucking idiot

>long runway
Some planes even had parachute-like gadgets!

Holy shit, is the level of scientific knowledge really so low around here?

I noticed you had trouble landing your plane(I’m an empath btw)

I think OP might be onto something. What if fighter jets, like nukes, aren't real? Just one huge psyop to keep us in line?

As stated before, you slow down (using flaps), you land in a long runway while using the brakes the landing gear of the airplane has, and if you are lucky, your plane may have a parachute, so you will end up bleeding speed at the runway. Quite sure it's difficult, and no one without proper training and experience would do it, but it is sure as fuck possible.

Aren automatic weapoms even real at this point? Haven't seen one, except for the murican soldiers that "claim" they use them.
Maybe it's all a conspiracy to prevent the working mases from arasing. Rise workers, with your flintlock muskets!

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Clippy has attained sentience and is accessing your plane, oh no.

Nah its only a couple dummies

>Chinese jet pilots: Meow over the radio
<US media: Chinese pilots threatened innocent US plane!

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