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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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>Can't do military service or join a militia because I'm deaf from one ear.


why would lenin want you to do either of that under capitalism


Because i want to larp as a red army soldat strongman


A militia wouldn't have as stringent qualifications


What country are you from? My national military is uber reactionary and have carried out multiple coups and repression against worker movements throughout my country's history but I'm still so tempted to at the very least do the basic training that lasts like 1 year to get some military experience.


>My national military is uber reactionary and have carried out multiple coups and repression against worker movements throughout my country's history
Let me guess, latin america.


Lmao that didn't take long at all. I guess that description accurately describes many countries here.


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From one latamfag to another, camarada.


probably a good idea, could you get connections from it for work as well?


I would need to investigate more to know that, but honestly I'm only guessing here but probably not, I think for that I'd probably need a more extensive military career to get to that level.


During the vietnam war the US army had several battalions with lower qualifications from their standard, lower IQ requirements are the most infamous ones and the wikipedia article doesn't mention hearing difficulties but I bet they had some and that they also were part of the higher killed in action rate and the higher poverty and divorce rate veterans had.

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