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Hello, the most recent movie threads have seemed a bit unfocused, this thread is for the discussion of movies we just watched and other anon's takes on them. So, without further ado I'll begin.

I just watched Parasite last night, it was pretty good I think, but not as cutting edge or witty as I was expecting. I thought it was a bit unfocused and threw a lot at the wall to see what stuck, but on the other hand, it was fun and more interesting than most. A solid 8/10.

I do an IMDB rating for each film I watch, for my own reference mostly, but you can see each film I watched lately and my rating if you're curious or want to ask about them. If other anons have something similar feel free to post.

561 posts and 141 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


my bros, i wasn't sure where to ask but i'm trying to remember this chinese movie i watched but i just can't place it. all i can remember is a scene where soldiers are hiking up a snowy mountain and their lovable cook who always has sweets on hand dies.


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17 moments of spring, the entire series.

fucking gripping.


Nice pic for ants, also see >>>/hobby/1007


Just watched Mutafukaz/MFKZ, funny how obviously the creator was inspired by GTA San Andreas (tho not like I have much exposure to LA other than that anyways), was pretty decent IMO, fun action scenes. Much better than Fury which I tried to watch earlier but it was so shit I turned it off (rarely do that).


I accidentally ended up watching South Korea soft core pornography

kim jon jil didn't die for this

do you guys think porn are movies too?


I recently watched Slackers. Really funny, strange film. Most of the scenes contain a leftist or conspiracy rant.

Movies, maybe, but not FILM. It's simply the real act of sex replaced with by the spectacle of it. Every aspect of life in spectacular capitalism is replicated and then replaced with commoditized visual representation.


Watched Encanto, it was alright, I liked how it was a kids animated film that didn't really have a clear villain, pretty rare.


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Just saw Bladerunner The Final Cut in theaters. Jfc they don't make movies like that anymore.


They actually made a new Blade Runner like, 3 years ago anon!


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u fucks watch it yet?


and the fact that there was no real fight in the end
even though it was a movie about super powered individuals


There's no 1080p rip yet, right?


really good just saw it. Some might find the message too sentimental just hug it out bro but I thought it was a refreshung refutation of humanism under bourgeois ideology as well as all the more obvious shit about family trauma and nihilism.


yea but it sucked, imagine taking a genre as deeply anti-human as cyberpunk and making a movie about natalism. That most redditors like that schlock is just another condemnation of it.


Dune in theater dialogue was terrible, I couldn't hear anything and could barely follow the plot. Not the best intro 2 the series.


Don't you understand that having inaudible whispering dialogue backed by sweeping orchestral scores and loud noises to keep the audience awake is how you make a movie 'cinematic'?


you just went to a bad theatre.


wow dogshit take


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im sorry you like crap anon


>imagine taking a genre as deeply anti-human as cyberpunk and making a movie about natalism
so the original blade runner then? because the whole point of the movie was that the replicants were happy to be alive, and the most iconic part is literally a guy reminiscing about all the wonders he experienced in life, lamenting the fact that he and those memories are going to disappear from the world.


There's a huge difference between the manufactured beings being the most alive in the world juxtaposed to the stone like and non-living humans versus glorifying a fucking nuclear family in 2049. This entire fucking board feels like its designed to piss me off.


Even the concept of usurping production from the Tyrell corporation in 2049 is so antagonistic to the overall concept of the original. Capital and production as fundamentally anti-human.


I just saw this amazing movie. It's epic and awesome and great.


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Not bad but very preachy to the point it might be satirizing the Intelligentsia instead of Capitalism itself.




Being preachy isn't really a bad thing IMO, most westerners live totally immersed in capitalist propaganda 24/7 and yet are unable to realise this, they need something on-the-nose to penetrate that.


It truly broke the record of the most film of all time


>so the original blade runner then?




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great movie, somewhere between a political melodrama and a war film, about how anarchists are petit-bourgeois lording their pompousness over those less fortunate than themselves
unironically amazing acting and production quality though
there’s a stream on youtube, and a rip here https://rarbg.to/download.php?id=fkwuo98&h=646&f=Freedomfighters.1996.SPANISH.1080p.BluRay.x264.FLAC.2.0-HANDJOB-%5Brarbg.to%5D.torrent


recommended that to someone on reddit (I'm sorry) just the other day, real baader-meinhof effect shit.

Anarchists are cringe most of the time, but I still have a soft spot for the spanish ones, especially Durruti. The defense of Madrid is inspiring beyond words; campesinos and workers with looted rifles and hunting guns holding off the best-trained, best-armed, most experienced troops in the country for 3 whole years. Very Paris Commune.


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Damn I love kid's movies about Trump's dog trying to rape the Queen of England's dog.


is this cringe or good?

politically speaking


I just saw cmon cmon at the cinema.
Great movie, I enjoyed it a lot.

I've heard it's a good movie but it probably has shit politics.


Embedding error.
I just rewatched He was a Quiet man. This is movie from 2007 and follows and office incel mass shooter who gets everything he ever wanted but still isn't happy. He gets to be the hero, he gets the girl. He sees the degenerate scum in his office wiped out. Movie has been on youtube from almost over a year and still hasn't getting taken down, if you want to watch it I recommended highly.


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Theres a lot of fun stuff I missed the first time I saw this movie high on spice back when that was a thing.


Saw it in German class. I don't particularly remember politcal aspects.
Maybe a jab at the sincerity of people engaged in orgs as the mother who was part of the Party or some youth org i don't recall, joined to cope with her husband who left the family for the West



added to watchlist


sounds like a dope asf movie


idk understand it says it already released on itunes
why do we still have cam rips then


The Execution. A quality new release compared to some recent Russian films.


Anyone see The Batman yet, I definitely enjoyed it even though it had to fall back on hollow platitudes in the last act but also points out how hollow they are? so idk… Seems like the new 'realism' genre of DC (joker, pattinson's batman) is about being just woke enough to bring all the people disillusioned with marvel without actually committing to any definitive statement - maybe that's the best we can hope for from big studio project though.

Film has a neat shoutout to climate change too as well as the Waynes being a prototypical Rockefellers/Vanderbilt family for Gotham.


Paul Dano also killed it with his monologue.


Nah he was very disappointing and not intimidating or profound at all, he just seemed stupid


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Florya glow-up


weird you got that vibe his entire purpose was showing the hollowness of Wayne's vengeance as a spoiled rich boy versus real grievances about the city most of which were caused by the Vanderbilt/Rockefeller families (Waynes/Arkhams in this universe) who built it.


new cronenberg
i liked his movie about the snuff films
i also watched the one on uh the virtual reality spine thing, felt it tried to do the same themes but didn’t like it


There should be a >>>/hobby_archive/ for good but full threads like this, since archive.is isn't fully reliable.


>Reimi Spiderman
<bog standard
LMAO no.


>О чем это кино? Да ни о чем. Тупой сюжет, бездарный сценарий. Жалко потраченного времени.
- Э. Рязанов

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