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R: 608 / I: 344 (full)

Fashion thread: the fourth

Post what you're wearing today, pieces you want to wear, recent cops, thrifting, inspo, concepts, runways, designers, questions, etc.

Previous thread: >>29827
R: 604 / I: 406 (full)

Fashion thread: the third

Post what you're wearing today, pieces you want to wear, recent cops, thrifting, inspo, concepts, runways, designers, questions, etc.

Previous thread: >>25977
R: 620 / I: 118 (full)

/swoletariat/ thread

Ask your lifting related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

Previous thread: >>15840
R: 602 / I: 298 (full)

Fashion thread part deux

Previous thread: >>2221
R: 602 / I: 211 (full)

Films You Just Watched 2.0

First thread >>2278

I just watched the new Batman movie, it's about as boring and derived as you'd expect. The villain is a real psycho, apparently he hates Bruce Wayne's father because of his scam charity orphanage where children froze to death and the villain himself grew up in, and tries to publicly reveal his father's ties to organized crime and political corruption. Luckily Batman eventually teaches him the true meaning of love and forgiveness before the villain is thrown into an insane asylum for the rest of his days, and the credits roll.

I also watched Memoria, which was just as boring and I have nothing to say about.
R: 693 / I: 128 (full)


Let's get a footy thread going.

Tomorrow is the first match between TÜRKS (Kara Boğa) versus Italians.

Other spicy first round matches include England versus Scotland, Finland vs Denmark, Germany vs France.

Post your predictions and reactions in this thread
R: 608 / I: 148 (full)

/fit/ general - Builtfat Edition

Ask your /fit/ related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

<Previous Thread

R: 606 / I: 257 (full)


Old /co/ thread is dead and buried.
Let's have a new thread to talk about comics and animation.
R: 609 / I: 104 (full)


The practice and principles of Permaculture are one of the most important tools for not only creating a sustainable socialism, but also for repairing the damage done to the global ecosystem by capitalism, and lessening your individual reliance on the current capitalist system.Permacultural practice and socialism are two very powerful allies, and learning about permaculture should be necessity for modern socialists and communists.
R: 612 / I: 166 (full)

Star Wars

Star Wars thread; To discuss, laugh and meme about Star Wars

Don't be a cunt and may the Force be with you
R: 611 / I: 152 (full)

Films You Just Watched Thread

Hello, the most recent movie threads have seemed a bit unfocused, this thread is for the discussion of movies we just watched and other anon's takes on them. So, without further ado I'll begin.

I just watched Parasite last night, it was pretty good I think, but not as cutting edge or witty as I was expecting. I thought it was a bit unfocused and threw a lot at the wall to see what stuck, but on the other hand, it was fun and more interesting than most. A solid 8/10.

I do an IMDB rating for each film I watch, for my own reference mostly, but you can see each film I watched lately and my rating if you're curious or want to ask about them. If other anons have something similar feel free to post.

R: 606 / I: 207 (full)  


How do you dress? What are you wearing today? How should you dress, as a Marxist? Which trends are proletarian and which are bourgeois? <br/>Discuss.
R: 608 / I: 156 (full)


&ltStar Trek Picard S01E01 is out
(check torrents)


Favourite episodes, best characters, memorable moments, etc.
R: 609 / I: 96 (full)

Alternative chans

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans.
>inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'
The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.
I'll start:Dreamch.net
There was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
R: 606 / I: 308 (full)


Yep, we back at it again.Thread for n8, furries, furry related stuff, whatup.I was thinking of reading Beastars, I heard it was pretty good.