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>but jet, you are black and you are male
<everything about Vicious
<all of faye's soy-banter dialogue
<Ed's actor getting done dirty with cringe direction and cringe costume design
<tying everything in to the syndicate unintentionally making the world feel that much smaller and therefore less interesting
<dutch angles fucking everywhere
<Julia becomes a power-hungry asshole with almost no in-universe character motivation given
<the entire sequence of mad pierrot hacking into ein's brain
<Vicious magically knows about Jet's daughter when we're given every indication to believe he's been obsessively focused on his coup d'etat leaving all of his dealings regarding looking for Spike and his associates entirely to the viewer's speculation
<the green screen for spike falling out the church window looks like absolute ass
<the hilariously placed "PORN" sign during the rooftop fight with Hakim
<the scene in the S&M dungeon that felt like something out of a 2000s National Lampoon comedy
<detailing the spike/vicious/julia backstory ends up backfiring because it takes what was initially something mysterious and partially left to viewer interpretation and turns it into something that comes off incredibly ham-fisted and unjustifiably stupid on every single character's part

why, anons


Is this a parody prediction or actual description of the Live Action?


All of this is actually in the live-action adaptation.


I only saw a couple of clips that display the cringe, but it looks embarrassingly cheap and it's clear multiple people involved just don't give a fuck. Look how fucking bad this pivotal scene looks, both acting-wise and in terms of the visuals. Also the Spike-Faye fight scene where she's introduced is practically in slow-mo even though it's supposed to be at full speed.

also this was just weird
>spike and faye are (accurately) cast asian
>jet is (accurately) cast black
>ed, the one main character with a visibly dark skintone in the anime is cast white


Jesus christ, it's like someone read the Naruto Live Action parody greentext and decided it'd be a good idea.


In all fairness, there's a couple of positives
>the actors for spike, jet and faye do the best job they can with the material they can (Jet in particular is actually a standout)
>they brought yoko kanno back
>ein is criminally adorable
>the scene where spike calmly lights a cigarette while hanging for dear life from a porn billboard is about as spike as it gets

But on the whole, it ain't great


"Cowboy Bebop" is not an anime. "Cowboy Bebop" is a set of intellectual properties. The commodity "Cowboy Bebop (2021)" is not a TV show, it is a lifestyle product sold by the Netflix Incorporated. The brand "Cowboy Bebop" is not about a space bounty hunter, it is a monopoly on an individualist aesthetic image that is projected as a vehicle for advertising graphic t-shirts and insulated water bottles produced by slave labor. Think Marvel Cinematic Universe or Disney Kingdom Hearts. The characters personalities and stories are not defined by the original authors, they are defined by marketing executives looking at control groups and potential profit.


I was being rhetorical, but yes


I been told that the show feels like the production was just really ashamed it had its origins as an anime and either they thought their changes made it more legitimate or just wanted to ruin the show to move on.


Ok Deleuze, thanks for reciting a summary of Debord's conceptions in Society of the Spectacle


pretty decent but sometimes the show reminds you you are rooting for not actually cops but doing their dirty work that sometimes make ethical decisions. they tried to make the villains cringey like the not animal liberation front and heist gangs that have a vaguely anti capitalist sentiment, but tbh I was rooting for them. they update some dialogue like the ones OP mentioned and honestly I don’t mind, but it feels like they updated the dialogue of the minor villains to fit what us radicals of today would say. rewatching the original, those sentiments were already there for the minor villains, but i dread the generations growing up on this outside the discourse to become cop style justice apologists bc they look up to and admire cowboy spike spiegel and gang’s antics, but again this has already happened.


It lacks the grungy atmosphere of the 90s/2000s and so the bounty hunting comes off as being a cop-supporter.


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the story diverged as soon as Julia was not able to escape vicious on her own the first time she attempted escaping. I’m treating it like it’s own offshoot and it’s okay.


>"Cowboy Bebop" is not an anime. "Cowboy Bebop" is a set of intellectual properties.
'Media Mix' would be the more correct term.


Also judging purely by the awful promotional comparisons they did with the anime, it just seems like yet another live action anime adaptation where the producers didn't understand how animation differs as a medium or why making shot-for-shot remakes of iconic scenes rarely turn out the ways they think they should. This coupled with the writers' inability go five minutes without infusing stupid Whedeonspeak into every script turned a show not at all known for camp into almost nothing but.


Can't wait for the live-action AKIRA bros :^)


I was going to make fun of Netflix because of what an obvious flop this was going to be from the start but apparently the GitS live-action turned a profit so I can't even blame them for thinking this was going to work.


GiTS Live action is pretty good TBH and the Battle Angel one is pretty decent too.


As in Joss? Because yeah, people kinda don't realize that only that guy pulled it off right (and it doesn't always hit home for that matter too).


TBH I'd like to see a Live Action Yu-Gi Oh! given how dope Detective Pikachu turned out to be.


Are you ready, talking bike?!


It's kinda embarrassing that a high-school stag play can be better and closer to the source, than the majority of live action anime interpretation films/series.


Japanese live action adaptations remind me that real people look fucking retarded imitating mannerisms from anime.


It depends on the adaptation, it can be fun and cool or retarded as you say.


I mean they're already stupid in anime…


One of the pet peeves I've always had was with the spike casting, why in gods name didn't they just get a tall asian dude is his late 20's for spike, why get 50 year 5'7 john cho to play a young hot shot like Spike


i think it looks cool. there's something ostensibly cringe about it but somehow my head still registers it as based because of how free and pretty it seems


My only real complaint is Vicious looks like Knock off Dante from DMC


should have got Tarantino to direct it


I don't care about sticking to canon unless its really important to the characterization of a story. Netflix Bebop is just poorly done as a stand-alone, it being an adaptation only makes it worse. The Resident Evil movies aren't great and are very divorced in areas from the game, but as standalone films still have decent story-telling and plot and the 'bad' parts are part of the cheesy charm, this is just boring.


Mmm no, not older anime.


>Japanese live action adaptations remind me that real people look fucking retarded imitating mannerisms from anime.
Checked and based. Saw clips from the theatrical of Spirited Away and I was wincing the entire time at how poorly Miyazaki's story translates into a costume performance.


>replying to 12777
I swear I wasn't trying to get GETs, LMAO


Speaking of Bebop, the movie Knocking on Heaven's Door was in theatres August 15 but I couldn't go see it, fucking annoyed as hell tbh.


It's the same production company doing the One Piece live action that drops in two weeks btw.


One Piece leaks are already out on torrents, though the company is shutting them down fast.

The One Piece trailer is a mixed bag, but it's probably gonna be more fun.


So 2 years later was the Cowboy Bebop Live Action really that bad?


I really liked the anime, so I kind of enjoyed the live action. Some of the sets and the acting was nice. It was missing that element that made cowboy bebop feel so melancholic but filled with energy simultanously.

I absolutely loved One Piece's live action. Sure it isn't the anime, but it's as best as it could've been. And as I mentioned in another thread, I cried every epsiode at least once. That's quality shit. It had it's issues, sure, but at least it perserved a lot of what makes the one piece anime nice.


No. Just really mediocre and poorly following the original. It's not horrendously terrible, just boring.

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