Leftist anime recommendations
Comrades, we need better anime literacy on this board. I've made this thread to help direct people to good leftist anime. Listen to me or not, but I have watched a lot of anime so these are my serious recommendations. If you watch these shows you will also be broadening your tastes and escaping from seasonal consumerism. I will specifically recommend leftist/revolutionary anime.What the fuck makes Pitou a specialist?
Most of their abilities are just manipulation or conjuration with some transmutation in between sometimes. What in the shit makes Pitou a specialist?Left wing vs Right wing anime
Found this random chart of anime that is considered left wing vs Right wing on the Xitter.Anime figures thread
…in which we collect and post recollections of our moments of weakness which made our wallets cry and poor Karl roll in the grave for doing a hekking commodity fetishism.why must every depth of the web love those blasted oriental cartoons
i joined leftypol.org to speak the truth of the revolution and i find half the board to be ultraautistic squawking headless chickens infighting and posting "dank memes" and 25% anime gooners damn this disgraceful swill-site a whole board dedicated to the eastern infection animeLove, Money, Rock n Roll
has anybody else played LMR? i feel like im the only english speaker who did, or at least the only one that liked it going off the polarized reviews.Anime Recommendation List
Anime Recommendation List GeneralThe modern anime fandom is unbearable
You haveIs Berserk the most based and redpilled anime?
Let's seeWhy
>1000 episodesAnime has lost its political energy
Anime, even as it is more popular and mainstream than ever before in the West, has really lost its relevance. What do I mean? Anime doesn't really inspire people anymore. It's not a statement about its quality, but I mean its real life impact./battle/ - Battle manga and anime general
Do you read/watch battle manga/anime? Which one's your favorite? What about battle seinen?/DRAMAQUEEN/
This 1st chapter for new manga came out and it has certainly made a impression on western anime fandom. They are claiming it is racist, xenophobic, etc. And honestly, I can see it, with the characters saying some similar language to said people. But someone also brought up as an anti-west or anti-colonialist themes, with them being against the occupation of their planet. Ultimately, its barley 1 chapter out, so I don't want to judge it just on thisGunsmith Cats
gunsmith cats full anime on youtubeMangaka that are touted as leftists
Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets."Tomboy" has been robbed of its meaning.
When I was a wee lad I read Katawa Shoujo and ended up really liking Emi. She hit all the right spots for me personality wise. I finished her route with the impression that she was supposed to be the token tomboy among the main girls. To my astonishment, when I went on the Katawa Shoujo forum I found out that other people did not consider her a tomboy. How? She's the athletic, bold, energetic girl who likes to play rough. Did I not just describe a tomboy? Is it because she doesn't "look" like a tomboy? Ridiculous. It was as if at some point I had been transported to bizarro world where the word tomboy had been hijacked by pathetic fetishists who now tied the word tomboy to physical appearance.Shonenesque kodomomuke
Kodomomuke is easily my least favorite anime demographic because it's mostly just manga for preschoolers but some series do look like they wouldn't be entirely out of place in a shonen magazine if they were a little bit less kid-friendly. Those are the most direct equivalent to saturday morning cartoons, although the protagonists/deuteragonists still seem to be mostly little kids (like Chris from Sonic X). I tend to enjoy them more.N2 tech breaks Evangelion
The biggest plot hole in this entire series reveals itself in the first episode. There are plenty of weapons that can break AT fields.Gundam Requiem
The new Gundam is out and it's very okay/10.86 is absolutely retarted
I think 86 is complete garbage. I started watching it because I like mecha anime and it has a good rating on My Anime List. First off I could not finish this anime, I only got four episodes in before I dropped it. I like the ideas behind it but the plot makes absolutely no sense, I know in mechas there is a suspension of disbelief to watch it but this show asks you to completely turn your brain off and I can't. And this completely gets in my way of enjoying this show, which is a bummer because I like some of the ideas of this show and want continue watching it but I can't because of the plot holes. The plot is essentially their this country who is at war with another country and because of racism chooses to have all the "Aryan" citizens stripped of their citizenship and forced to fight on the front lines. But if you think about this its incredibly stupid because whats to say these people refuse to fight and march on the capital demanding the "Aryans" also fight along side of them? They have the military training and mechs to do so and the government would have to do something or risk getting destroyed by the enemy. This makes the themes about racism feel a lot more hollow because it makes those oppressed groups look like willing participants in their oppression which is not something I should be thinking about in a story about how racism is bad. Now because this plot hole took me out the story the others which in better written one would normally not take me out started doing so. Like in the second episode it is revealed that the enemy robots are all autonomous and have gone rogue. Why does the government launch several EMP's to destroy them? I then started thinking about real life militaries and how the United States uses drones, then been controlled by a person several thousands miles away. This is way better because it saves both the pilots life and the skill he gains from experience. Which the government in this anime clearly doesn't value even though it should because they should want to win the war. Overall the guy who lite-novel this anime is based on clearly didn't give a shit about the plot and I in response don't care about this story either. If you can ignore the plot I would suggest checking it out because it has some interesting ideas. But if your like me and you demand the bare minimum when it comes to logic of the plot, avoid this show like this plague because it will hurt your brain. This anime's plot is Star Wars prequel's level of not making sence.Why are anime characters usually caucasian?
I'm not trying to start anything or get into any kid of idpol argument.comics as manga
i always wanted to make a /co/ thread for leftist discussion, but i have no idea where to put it? most people would shove it off as "cape-shit" or "not Japanese" how ever i think that's the problem, viewing manga as separate from other comics. I consider myself a comics fan but love alot of manga too. and would really enjoy if people didn't segregate just because it's right to left. and if you really don't want a /co/ thread then were go?Obsolete
What do you think about the Obsolete anime? It's really cool and well realized, it explores how these alien mechs would actually be used in different circumstances. I really liked the anti-imperialists, they were so cool and I like their mech designs. I just wish that they were the main characters, they have so much more going on with their idea of the mechs being able to topple the west and level the playing field, rather than boring Amerikkkan area 51 marines which the show obviously focuses on.Moe, SoL, Iyashikei
So much animosity towards moe here, so why not a moe thread. I like taking solace from the cruelty of the real in this.death note
I love death note. And I love light yagami as a character.THE ANIME INDUSTRY IS SAVED
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTCPgSP6SUQJujutsu Kaisen is Over
Leaks for the final chapter 271 dropped and reaction has been overwhelmingly negative due to everything being extremely rushed and many major plotlines being dropped or leading nowhere. A lot of people are also upset because they felt their favorite characters got purposefully disrespected or ignored by Gege. Looks like another case of mangaka burnout due to the awful conditions in the Japanese manga industry resulting in a rushed ending that leaves no one happy.NGE thread #2 - Competitive Edginess Edition
Neon Genesis Evangelion General No. 2Wind Breaker is based. You should watch it
>animated by CloverworksI watched the first 6 episodes of NGE
NGE GENERALAnime Music Videos and webms
AMV threadHellsing and Hellsing Ultimate
It was always weird to me that both of these exist and are so different in every way.ANIMETA - Anime Meta Discussion Thread
/ANIMETA//WYOA/: write your own anime thread
post your ideas about epic anime:Treatment of Animators
Discussion of the way that Animators are treated in the Anime industry. Firstly. why are animators treated like shit? Why don't they try forming unions? You're thoughts on this whole Animator Dormitory project? How can the West (I'm assuming that most of Bunkerchan is yankees and eurofags) help?Naruto General
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach. I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.so-bad-it's-good animu
How much of this actually exists? Annie-may that's so embarrassingly incompetent that you can actually sit through and laugh at ironically, like a hilariously bad movie? It's normally a lot harder to do because every bit of animation has thought and effort put into it, so it just comes off as intolerably bad when it's bad. Unlike an incompetent movie, which is much easier for someone with a handheld camera to half-ass their way through to a finished product. Pic related, Psychic Wars is fucking terrible.genuinely one of the most fascistic works I have ever read
A friend of mine(a feminist) recommend to me, In some ways I do think it's interesting insight,where it's a fascist vigilante story with a largely female audienceWhy don't people I talk to like anime films?
I'm just thinking, when I was trying to watch a film I like with a non-anime fan I'd often put on Ghost in the Shell since I thought it's really highly rated and would be easy for a non-anime fan to watch. But this isn't the case, everyone I've watched it with hates it, which I find wierd since I think it's overall a really good film which is well known in normal film circles and is well regarded, and there isn't much of a reason to dislike it. I mean the artwork is 10/10, the setting is cool, the pacing is great, the action is exciting, its got good philosophical content and the ending is interesting. But non-anime fans who I watch it with hate it and I mean hate it with a passion and find it immensly boring even if they like live-action films with similar a similar tone or content.Q&A
Thread for Questions and Answers that don't really belong in other threads as well as source requests.Kill la Kill
Just finished this show and it has become one of my favorites. On the surface this anime appears to be trash anime packed full of fan service, but on watching it the so called "trash anime" is brimming with substance. excellent character design, badass soundtrack, and one of the satisfying endings I have seen in a long time. This show can make a scene of a butt naked woman running around killing enemy's with nothing but her toe nail feel empowering and not at all exploitative and fan servicey. What are your guys opinion on the show?Delinquent manga/anime
Delinquents/yankii/banchou/sukeban are so fucking cool.Fullmetal Alchemist General
How the FUCK is it possible that there’s no general thread for quite possibly the most well-written and even leftist-oriented Shounen serial of the 2000s?Darling in the FranXX: Japanese anime series about fighting for the survival of humanity
>Darling in the FranXX: Japanese anime series about fighting for the survival of humanityNext season anime watchlist
What is on your watchlist?Best commie moments for anime series
what times in leftist history would make the coolest animes anons?NTR is reactionary
Any fans here?Favorite Simpsons Episode/ Gerneral thread
Yes I know, it's an anime board. But since this board is relatively dead, how about a nice curve ball to spice it up? if worse comes to worse more the thread to /hobby/Artists are trying to rentseek - again
Hajime no Ippo mangaka George Morikawa sparked controversy on Japanese Twitter for complaining about art made by staff of the animated adaptation of his manga…Castlevania
Just watched the new season of Castlevania the other night on Netflix and it wasn't too bad. The animation seems significantly jankier this season in a lot of places and it looks like they're using the awful CG models from Berserk or Kingdom or some shit at times. A couple of the fights are really fluid and fun, but a lot just looked… bad.Let's scanlate a manga
Hello comrades, I'm here with a proposal: let's start a scanlation group to bring leftist manga to a non-Japanese audience.Dragon Ball Z and Naruto Hate Thread
These two are supposed to be the Citizen Kane of anime, everyone loves them, yet they are such fucking garbage, literal trash, why are they so fucking bad holy shit.Rance
Fellow weeboos, why do otaku like this guy? I can't stand him. I'm sure his games are fun, but he pisses me off so much that he ruins them for me. Let's see:Netflix Bebop
>but jet, you are black and you are maleWhy is there no anime about the Mexican revolution!?
I mean, just imagine that shit.Brand New Animal
Well that was bad. Wasted potential as it's usual with many shows.Inside Job
Just so we're all on the same page, this shit was made by glowies, right? I've only seen bits of it, but it comes across as though it was made to recruit ambitious PMC women into the intelligence community.How/why did rightoids politicize futanari pornography?
It's hard to explain if you're not terminally online enough but basically futanari fandoms have been steadily hijacked by chinlets seething over artists drawing chicks with dicks but no puss and calling it futa. These chinlets have politicized the word futa, to make it basically mean "biological woman with penis". Except not. If you draw a female figure with a penis and no vulva, explain that this is a cis woman who transformed her female genitals into male ones, it's "not futa". Hermaphrodite? No, they don't actually care about that either, a minority of them pretending to be woke will pay lip service to "reverse futa" existing and that's that. What is the meaning then?Whacha readn/watchn thread
Since the board is slow, (and my adhd stuggle to post on near-dead boards), let's do a general discussion thread of what you've been reading/watching.Hiroyuki got his own isekai for some deranged reason
>Humanity has been driving away the Demon Lord's army for a long time by summoning "Heroes" once every 100 years. But one day, the Demon Lord's army devises a countermeasure to the Heroes: entrap and kill them when they're in a defenseless state straight after the summoning. To commemorate this historic fear, the Great Demon Lord designated that year as "Year One of Entrapment Killing." The Heroes have all been slaughtered by the Demon Lord's forces ever since. Fast forward to today, Year 1000 of Entrapment Killing: the summoners are very worried. "What kind of Hero should we call? I don't know… Someone take this out of our hands!" And thus, they summoned Hiroyuki, creator of 2channel and the master at settling debates.The "School Setting"
Why is the school setting liked so much in anime? It cannot just be that the target audience is mostly children, because there are a lot of anime of this sort oriented to older otaku also. Do anime ever make more than passing attempts at portraying so called "adulthood" as a future to be excited about?Metal in anime
I wish there was more of it honestly. All we get is cheesy J-pop and other extremely light music other than an occasional EDM track or two, so boring. It doesn't make me truly excited, a good metal track makes me more interested in the anime itself.Good romance slice of life manga recommendations
I start:Vinland Saga
Right-wingers getting into Vinland Saga because they see le epic vikings always end up whining about how "moralizing" and "boring" it is. When the author added a trans person circles like 4ch*n absolutely exploded.Dorohedoro 2nd Season confirmed
Fucking finally.How come there is no bara anime?
I just had a realization I cant think of a single bara anime, or never saw as much as a clip from one. Straight romance, yaoi or yuri is popular, and I guess the potential audience for a specifically gay men focused genre is smaller, but is it really so small it wouldnt warrant even a single one made?Groundless
Has anyone else been reading Groundless? it's a really interesting military themed manga, about a small island at war. It manly fallows a small city's militia team while fighting with the main island army against the Liberation Army. I'm only half way through but it seems to go back a forth from the different factions while focusing on the small militia. I think the depiction of the Liberation Army is interesting, it's very bare bones compared to everyone else but it's clearly suppose to be the revolutionary army. it also has a very real depiction of racism.Shuuzou Oshimi
I just finished Boku wa Mari no Naka (also known as Inside Mari) and I thought I should write down my thoughts on it here.Ningen Fushin no Boukensha-tachi ga Sekai wo Sukuu you desu
It was a low quality show, but I felt the characters and plot points where more interesting than most other anime on the market. They are well developed, expressive, quirky, and with character flaws, which is something most writers can't even start to write. The storyboard artists and directors clearly tried to add visual nuance and symbolism to scenes as well (like the sun setting in the final meeting of the group as they're talking, characters having clearly distinguishable walks, etc), but the studio was clearly constrained by budget.Danmachi
I thought I finally found another fantasy without bullshit that's so rare these days but we're hit with an in-universe level up system that I can excuse, but then it slowly starts turning into a harem power fantasy with a little bitch MC, so it's pretty much an isekai without the isekai part. The author even refuses to let characters level up when they should because Bell needs to be the main character and he has to constantly kill the big bad monsters to save the day.Kommunismus
> 1975. Hikaru Conde, a young Japanese boy who had set out for Cambodia to win the Pulitzer Prize, was unable to take any photographs that would be bought by a news agency. One day while wandering in the forest, he came across a group of Khmer Rouge rebels. There, he saw an infant who buried them in an instant. A girl named Petit, who called Hikaru "chan" and adored him after her first time meeting him. In wartime Cambodia, the survival of a father and child, who are not blood related, begins.recommendations?
I've only ever dipped my toes into anime, but I'd like to go further. I like fantasy, samurai, cyberpunk, and emotional stuff, and things with nature, shinto spirits, etc. I like:Action in anime right now
I don’t think I can actually recall any time action in an anime looked genuine outside of sword of the stranger and some shootouts in cowboy bebop. So many shows seem to gloss over the actual fighting part for overly long periods of exposition, random still panels to substitute for something meaningful happening and music so fucking loud my ears hurt. too much shits happening on screen but simultaneously nothing it feels awfulWhy Anime Is on the Rise Even Though the Industry Is so Poor
Okada claimed that animators are so poor even though the industry attracts more money than ever because the production committee caps the budgets on individual anime titles. This is apparently because of a culture of corporate collusion, where the lead investing company determines beforehand the highest amount every other company in the committee can spend proportionally.Jormungand
Anyone watched Jormungand? I did years ago as a teen and got into it since it started airing around the time I finished watching Black Lagoon. I remember seeing people on /a/ calling it a poor man's Black Lagoon as well, but thinking back on it I think that comparison works for general things but overall I'd say they're different thematically. I was planning on giving it a rewatch (mainly because I'd forgotten what happened in it) since I remember hating how the show made the American feds look incompetent in the 2nd season and now a show where glowies get outsmarted by an armsdealer sounds hilarious to me.Anime References in the Russia-Ukraine War
I don't care which side you are on. I don't care whether you're pro ukrainian or russian. This thread will be the place to post all anime references within the war. Stuff like patches, flags, stickers, pin ups, shit like that. I want it to be an archive of stuff like that.Kyoto Animation
Will all their shows be overrated now or is their pity factor no longer as important now ukraine gets more attention? They've done absolutely nothing new since 2013 they've kept milking the same yaoi- and yuri-bait shows for a decade. Together with their boring in-house LN adaptations. When will they do something innovative again? Can we finally just agree that VEG is boring, lacks subtlety, amateurish emotionally manipulative drivel.Good anime for learning japanese?
Recently I tried watching Teletubbies in Japanese, because that's how I learned English, so maybe I could learn Japanese with it too. However, the Japanese dub for Teletubbies is partially lost media, and I'm not sure how I would go about looking for fan dubs.Crunchyroll Anti-union shenanigans
Everyone's favorite conglomerate Crunchyroll/Funimation is back at it again with not wanting to pay their VAsI really want to like it but the author is just fucking horrible
The setup of the world is original, the lore is interesting as fuck, the uncensored brutality showcases an interesting take on violence that feels genuine to what something like this in real life could occur and the plot is overall entertainingColourless vs Coloured Manga
Which do you think is better?JP government wants a database with the real name of pseudonymous artists, vtubers, etc.
https://shueisha.online/culture/529363d anime
Is there an explanation as to why so many 3d animes or animes with CGI look noticeably fucking awful? I cant possibly fathom as to how any individual can fuck up so badly on aesthetics when it comes to anime as westerners already can make plenty of 3d cartoons that look just fine with good art styles, hell even for individual artists making good looking CGI isnt hard as your essentially getting 3d squares and triangles with images stretched on them to move around a screen for several minutes and artists like Ian Hubert have proven that large budgets for good looking graphics is far from difficult or expensive, so what gives?Is there anime that critique lookism like this?
Something like this, but need moreFuck orientalism
I'm a way too old otaku who's always been into a lot of underground Japanese subculture shit thanks to learning the language but even I have to be amazed at the sort of shallow orientalism that's going on on imageboards, like cumming at sakura trees, larping as an imperialist or making Japan seem as the last trad ethnostate (it really isn't), or more recently and what prompted me to make this thread, someone posting a picture of their room with a huge ass poster of Tokyo's subway map. Like really? What's the appeal of that? Sure, he might have been a train otaku, but nothing else in the picture indicated that.Why is this kind of ideology so prevalent in anime?
Is it the remnants of fascism?Why tf Japs seems fond of this kind of shit
Is this because consequences of such cuck nation? Like why tf there's so much fucked up NTR? Idc if the NTR involving a boss with her/his subordinates gangbanged him/her.Sakura Illustrated
Hey! I just scanned and uploaded a collection of Genpei Akasegawa's left wing political cartoons from the 1970s. You can find it here:Let's talk Oregairu
Yesterday I finished watching season 3, and I haven't been able to put it out of my mind since. I don't like that, it's just a high school romantic comedy after all. Hopefully writing a few lines about it will make that go away.Ahaha ohnonono ohohoho
Look at those models look at that facial expressionWhat anime does Scissor Seven remind you of?
So I's (eyes) was watching this and it reminded of Cowboy Bebop but that's not quite it. What anime am I thinking of? The laid-back style, comedy, and animation and episodic nature whilst working towards a grander plot. I can't quite recall the name. Could a kind fellow help me out?Sonny Boy
What do you guys think about this show so far? This anime has been taking me for a whirl several times, sometimes within the same episode. I'm still not sure if the show is any good or not, though. I think this is one of those situations where the ending of the show can really make or break the entire experience but for now I'm enjoying the ride.Golden Kamuy
Extremely good & extremely underrated in the West. Still ongoing.