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Just finished this show and it has become one of my favorites. On the surface this anime appears to be trash anime packed full of fan service, but on watching it the so called "trash anime" is brimming with substance. excellent character design, badass soundtrack, and one of the satisfying endings I have seen in a long time. This show can make a scene of a butt naked woman running around killing enemy's with nothing but her toe nail feel empowering and not at all exploitative and fan servicey. What are your guys opinion on the show?


yeah the best anime imo are subversive like that
like, the whole fan servicey aspect of anime in general gets shit on all over the place in kill la kill


IDK how much there is to say about the whole fanservice thing. The show is a very thorough deconstruction of the trope. It's integral to the plot and the worldbuilding and the characters literally walk you through the show's thesis in the text. It's not even subtextual or left to interpretation. It's just outright explained to the audience.


I think this show is so cartoony that most of the female fanservice for males doesn't even feel like it was done to titillate. Obviously the fact that there's male fanservice helps.
My only issue with the all the sexual stuff is that I don't remember any male character being molested or sexually harassed like some female characters were.

I like KLK because it's stupid and cool and doesn't pretend to be otherwise.


>My only issue with the all the sexual stuff is that I don't remember any male character being molested or sexually harassed like some female characters were.
That's the point, only females are subject to fan service for the audience of basement dwelling weirdos, and when you combine sex with violence, well, that's what you get m8


KLK suffered the same fate as ME!ME!ME! (horny nerds completely missing the point of it).


I think the conclusion we should draw from KLK, MEMEME, Eva, American History X, and a lot of other things is that satire doesn't work if you actually include the things you're trying to satirize in any capacity. If you don't want those people to unironically like it for the wrong reasons then you need to either not do it or do it in a way that blueballs them completely and just doesn't have the stuff they are looking for.


What was the point of it?
t. watched it a decade ago and despised every moment of it


>only females are subject to fan service
I also said specifically "molested" and "sexually harassed", not fanservice. Like when Ragyo molests Satsuki or Ryuko is harassed by her teacher and Mako's family.
I just remembered that at least Takarada is ass raped, and I'm not sure if Gamagori's BDSM show counts as a male equivalent.

This (except that I don't believe KLK had anything important to say, at all). I realized it when I went to a con and saw some weeb coomer wearing a T-shirt with pornographic Ryuko fanart on it.
Btw I don't think ME!ME!ME! had a "point", it was probably just done for the sake of degeneracy and the "message" was included only to make it edgy and unique and "deep", in my opinion. Even if it had any real message to tell, all the coomer shit in it completely removed the weight that message had.


here bro, this guy explains my thoughts on kill la kill quite well
it's a meta show, it subverts conventional anime expectations, it subverts ideas that are so commonly propagated through the anime industry by blasting the ideas to the max.
The sexual assault are both times committed by a woman, if it were a hentai, it would be a pretty standard hentai, but it's in a shounen with characters you care for, characters you wish well.
You're supposed to feel bad for wanting hypersexualization of women in anime.


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>except that I don't believe KLK had anything important to say, at all
I think you missed the point of it, one example there is a theme about defying fate (the life fibers being analog of the red thread of fate), an other is embracing the weirdness and incomprehensibility of people and life. Like when Ryūko learns to embrace the scantily clad Senketsu as her accepting the weirdness of the situation and a testament that she is willing to go through great lengths to achieve her goals. There is many more things KLK had to say you get the point.


we know why you watched it, you're not fooling anyone anon. kill yourself.


its an extremely degenerate anime for coomers, the "message" was added in a pathetic attempt to fool people into thinking that the show isn't just porn. that "broooo ackchually its about this this and this" cope isn't fooling anyone.


lol @ the cope
trigger employees have posted on 4chan and have literally streamed themselves toying with KLK titty mousepad merchandise
they know their audience and from the looks of it themselves too very well
but sure let's adopt degenerate media because we are losers utterly incapable of making something that doesn't appeal to 12 people in the world total while pretending it's woke


I'd only ever heard of this animu in passing but having looked it up and watched the explained in OP I picked up on something

That main character is used as for reaction images by a lot of image board weebs presumably because she's their waifu and always those images have her dressed modestly

Following the argument of the vid this means that by doing so they turn all the gratuitous fanservice that is claimed to subvert by being so overt and continuous into the fleeting moment that fanservice requires to function

My sides are in orbit


It was never trash, it is one of the best hidden communist propaganda aside from Gurren Lagann. The story is basically about two daughters (Anarchism/ Marxism) rebelling against their mother (Capitalism), who literally sold out her and humanity in general to aliens.


You will probably not believe me that I went into this anime completely blind.


The only people that didn't like it
1. hate fun
2. are repressed
3. hate themselves


>degenerate media
why hold back anon? just call it jewish like you really want to


Come on now.


>it subverts conventional anime expectations, it subverts ideas that are so commonly propagated through the anime industry by blasting the ideas to the max.
It's not a subversion then.
>if it were a hentai, it would be a pretty standard hentai, but it's in a shounen with characters you care for, characters you wish well.
Female characters being molested or sexually harassed in shonen is pretty common.

>one example there is a theme about defying fate (the life fibers being analog of the red thread of fate), an other is embracing the weirdness and incomprehensibility of people and life. Like when Ryūko learns to embrace the scantily clad Senketsu as her accepting the weirdness of the situation and a testament that she is willing to go through great lengths to achieve her goals.
Yes, KLK did pretty obviously have those themes, but it doesn't mean that it had a deep message to tell. Those are common, if not generic, themes in anime as well, so that makes its supposed "message" all the more shallow.

>presumably because she's their waifu and always those images have her dressed modestly
I'm sure a lot of weebs fell in love with Ryuuko and that's why they prefer to see her dressed normal, but Ryuuko is a pretty cool character beyond the fanservice, and we do see her drawn in a non-sexualized way most of the time in the show, it makes sense that she's not sexualized in many of her reaction pictures.

Or maybe they just don't care about it?


>It's not a subversion then.
shut up devils advocate
>Female characters being molested or sexually harassed in shonen is pretty common.
yes, what's the difference between the dragon ball molestation scenes and the kill la kill molestation scenes?


because I'm a degenerate not a jewish person? do you have a problem with jewish people?


why are these ladies so seductively dressed hamamanaa


you're right OP, I don't believe you.


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There was for a long period of time I thought Ryuko and Alunya were the same person. So when ever I saw someone post a Ryuko reaction image I thought they were posting Alunya.


I think there's an Alunya Ryuuko edit, which might've made things even more confusing for you kek


kill la kill yourself.


oh nice pun


it used to be posted on /a/ a lot


the bouncing tits represent the dialectical clash of the thesis and antithesis


If you mean the clash between Ryuuko and Satsuki, yes.

>Central to Egri's argument is his claim that the best stories follow the logical method of thesis, antithesis, synthesis, or dialectic, to prove what he calls a "premise." A premise, as Egri describes it, is a thematic truth. In The Art of Dramatic Writing he offers as an example the premise that "stinginess leads to ruin." Having settled on this theme, Egri writes, the playwright can detect in the statement the suggestion of a story's beginning, middle, and end: first, the establishment of an obsessively stingy character; next, the collision of that character's stinginess with inevitable opposition, or antithesis; and finally the character's ruin. Egri also emphasizes what he sees as the ever-present role of change in all forms of life, forcing people to evolve and synthesize new philosophies in the face of one overwhelming obstacle after another.



i was half joking but yeah this and ttgl give me amazingly leftist vibes that i did not expect to see in anime. i don't know if studio trigger is intending to be this based but it's a really nice change of pace compared to the usual shit this medium does


Gurren Lagann was better and it still felt like “Fanservice: the Anime” despite how cool it looked.


Studio Trigger was founded by ex-Gainax animators like Imaishi Hiroyuki. Given the corporate bullshit of Gainax in the last decade and the general toxic, exploitive nature of anime, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised about some comrades in Studio Trigger.


I barely noticed the fanservice so I don't think so .


I did, so I think yes.


>tfw I will never be able to worship Satsuki


>leftist vibes
The plot is about overthrowing an exploitative ruling class that has become meta-humans due to their position as rulers alienating them from their humanity, followed by building a literal socialist utopia and defending it from aliens that want to kill humans because of their powers of dialectics.


>a literal socialist utopia
you got a peer-reviewed source for that chinlet?
i don't remember much of the anime because i watched it like 5 years ago


Kamina and Simon are your revolutionary leader. They figuratively seize the means of production, when Kamina stole his mech and they inspire others (workers) to emulate him. Together they form the Dai Gurren Dan (Great Crimson Brigade) in other words Big Red Army. The big bad end boss is basically an eco-fascist. I think it's not a coincidence that Marvel copied Thanos' motives from TTGL to prop up their capitalist billionaire superhero.


You'd make a great "YouTube reviewer"!


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>TFW the main character is just a human shadow the hedghog


and thats hot


Ryuko isn't as edgy as Shadow and honestly is much less edgy than a lot of similar hard-assed anti-heroic anime protagonists
That said, I agree with >>15253


>Ryuko isn't as edgy as Shadow and honestly is much less edgy than a lot of similar hard-assed anti-heroic anime protagonists
She feels pretty edgy to me TBH. Maybe not on the level of some edgelords, but certainly on that "I cut my wrists for goth cred" levels of shit.


Pretty much.
shadow is great so Ryuko is great too.



wow qqq in 2022 and on leftypol.


> it subverts ideas that are so commonly propagated through the anime industry by blasting the ideas to the max.
Imagine actually believing this.


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>The initial antagonist is just a female Takeshi Hokuto
>The twist is yet another Childhood's End reference, which they had done two times already as Studio Gainax and would go on to do a fourth time in their next big anime


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"Anime leftism" always boils down to "this titty anime made by people with a long history of loving tits is actually against enjoying tits" dick cage bullshit
>You're supposed to feel bad for wanting hypersexualization of women in anime.
No you're not holy shit. No part of it implies this. Trigger are huge fans of fanservice, for both men and women. Why are you people so self hating? Why is orgasm self-denial treated as an integral part of class-based politics?

>it's too cartoony to be fappable

>even if countless people find it fappable and cartoony exaggeration is common in drawn porn

>it's criticizing it because it's EXAGGERATING it!

Yeah and Gurren is a criticism of super robot anime because it takes super robot tropes above and beyond? Is Panty & Stocking criticizing American cartoons? Fuck off with this shit.
Gurren is about "past and present coming together to create a path towards the future". Stealing robots and fusing them to create new robots is part of the show's statement on earned individuality, mirroring Simon's development and the pastiche nature of the show itself. You guys suck at understanding media.


I wasn't merely using equally silly made-up examples in my post above; I've seen people claim Gurren and Panty & Stocking are satirizing super robots and American cartoons respectively because "they're over the top and exaggerating anything means you think it's bad".

Why are Imaishi fans so fucking stupid. He makes good stuff.



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Not everyone on an imageboard is the same person. This is as true on leftypol as it is anywhere else, especially here on /anime/, which is more or less an afterthought and not strictly dedicated to "leftist" discussion of anime. Communists, liberals from reddit, raiding /pol/yps kicked off the main board, and rodents indifferent to politics (but deeply invested in shitposting on every imageboard on the internet) all post here - none in great numbers, of course, as this board is pretty inactive. Please do not take any random opinion you are confronted with here as representative of anything other than a particular poster's inclinations. Especially considering that others in the thread have already disagreed with the OP on many points.


Alright sorry it just drives me nuts that you find this stuff in every left-leaning space. Just strikes me as "I got into progressivism through early 2010s Anita drama and can't outgrow it".


>it subverted expectations
That's right, Jay.
Taking things to its "logical endpoint" is referenced explicitly when Ryuko is fighting the computer guy by her saying "make a crazier attack even crazier and it will hit".


how is that criticism of fanservice and not cartoony exaggeration


I didn't mention either of those things


>You're supposed to feel bad for wanting hypersexualization of women in anime.

Pssh, that's gay.


yea, my problem with anime is that is just woman, need to have Hypersexualization of man, not just for straights, but gay too.


There's tons it's just not spammed on imageboards


Yeah if you post that shit on most imageboards you'd get your thread spammed for being a "faggot" or a "fujoshit".


Equal hypersexualization would be a slight improvement from the current status quo, but hypersexualization is symptom of bourgeois decadence regardless and isn't even "socially progressive". Communist countries have both been socially progressive and somewhat conservative about sex, after al.


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Why exactly do you think the left is necessarily anti-titty?

>Stealing robots and fusing them to create new robots is part of the show's statement on earned individuality

This is ignoring a big part of the show to hyper-focus on one aspect of it. I don't think anyone was denying that personal development and growth was a major theme of the show, but that doesn't mean there wasn't any social commentary as well. You gonna argue that the episode where they found that underground colony that had a religion worshiping a derelict mech as a god and made sacrifices to it by sending people to the surface to presumably die when their population got too big was a commentary about "earned individuality"?


>Why exactly do you think the left is necessarily anti-titty?
Not that anon by he probably fell for reactionary bullshit
The left tend to be progressive
They think progressives are anti titty and nudity
Even though rightoidz think the left are pro nudity, but only for non conventionally attractive women or some shit


I don't think "earned individuality" is even the core theme of Gurren Lagann; my point is that "stealing robots = seizing the means of production" has little basis, especially when the actual show gives you a million hints as to what that element symbolizes.
you can't with a straight face imply this stuff isn't widespread in online leftist circles, especially when people in this very thread say that nerds "missed the point" of Kill la Kill re: fanservice, compare said fanservice to American History X's portrayal of nazism & claim "you're supposed to feel bad for wanting hypersexualization of women in anime". are those supposed to be /pol/ falseflags?


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It's been nearly 10 years and frankly I've found that the anime is not as fun or good as I remember it, tch, what growing up does to a guy.


>10 years
Just put me out of my misery 💀


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I'm gonna be honest, I remember when this show was praised by leftypol years back and all sorts of analyses were made about how it's leftist and whatever. I never got that vibe, it just felt like the story was just a generic imitation of Yuri-Action anime from decades before as an excuse to show off skin. The animation style wasn't my thing either. People love to mock the fight of Pain vs the Nine Tails, yet a lot of the fights in Kill la Kill are literally the same kind of animation, except with some seizure inducing colors flashing.


I think a good chunk of it is that it's nominally anti-fascist – as in the bad guys are literally fascists – but that aspect of it gets a bit muddled once the Elite Four are revealed to not be actual bad guys.
The "deconstruction of fanservice" aspect people talk about is dumb, KLK is quite literally the opposite, it's a show about being shameless about sex. That said this aspect of it is also muddled by the fact that the show oftentimes can't quite discern between "Ryuko shouldn't be ashamed of her body" and "Ryuko shouldn't care about all these people who keep touching her inappropriately".
I think comparing the fights with the Pain fight is a huge stretch but I do overall agree that they're very much in the generic "people stand around throwing big attacks with exaggerated animation" mold for the most part, they're actually my least favorite part of the show.
Overall KLK is just a beloved phenomenon so people want to feel like it's on their side. All political groups do this but leftists seem especially prone to it.


>Elite Four
*Student Council but w/e


>it's nominally anti-fascist – as in the bad guys are literally fascists – but that aspect of it gets a bit muddled once the Elite Four are revealed to not be actual bad guys
It can be interpreted as the rebels raising class consciousness in the military.
>leftists seem especially prone to it
/leftypol/ users do be like that.

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