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Give me animes that realistically depict modern warfare




How about
>anime socialist realism




would be based but never happen


dragon ball suppa fukkatsu no efu

remember that time a lizard came out the ocean and destroyed manhattan and killed bryan cranston?


The film Genocidal Organ is probably the closest. It's basically anime Metal Gear.

The short film A Farewell to Weapons from the anthology project Short Peace is a little bit into the future but with the advent of drone warfare is maybe not that unrealistic.


>remember that time a lizard came out the ocean and destroyed manhattan and killed bryan cranston?
Wtf post the clip



Akira actually did a very good job when it came to radar based weapons


Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO

I'm not kidding; it's a military otaku's wet dream


File: 1640884180568.webm (2.7 MB, 960x720, geno.webm)



Zipang has dope and accurate naval warfare, though you have to get over the time travel element. Really only one I can think of. It's appropriately boring too
Based genocyber enjoyer.


>appropriately boring
kek, what the fuck does that mean?


Realistic I guess

Modern war is about maximizing distance from hostiles as you don’t want to get shot by projectiles that can kill you in 1 or a few hits and hence a lot of combat is generally smaller, quieter, and most battles takes a longer time compared to wars prior to ww1 whom where most battles would last a few hours to days at most compared to today where it’s weeks to months


File: 1641766075939.jpg (245.89 KB, 1117x1600, jormungand.jpg)

Jormungand I guess


Sonic Boom Squadron.


In This Corner Of The World


realism and anime don't mix well usually, if you want to watch that kind of thing go watch fireflies or some other anime about the nukes I guess.


Fireflies isn't about nukes but yeah, watch (or read) Barefoot Gen


File: 1642144457793.jpg (1.01 MB, 1600x1000, guts and griffith.jpg)

Is the guy in middle supposed to be Griffith and the girl on the left a gender swapped Guts?


that is a girl anon.


Flag is libshit but the mech is cool and "realistic" enough that supa robo wars will never ever touch it for being underpowered.


Can't think of an anime that actually seriously tackles 21st century 4th generation warfare but Jin-Roh gets pretty fucking nasty in ways anime normally doesn't


When will China make an anime based on How the Steel Was Tempered??????


Yugo the negotiator


Princess Mononoke


Absolutely not, I've dropped after the first scene because of unrealistic Stormtrooper accuracy


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