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Where my Konheads at? So it's been 11 years. I don't think they are going to finish his unfinished film.

What's your favorite Kon show/feature. Did you get to see any of them in theatres? I saw Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika when they were released.


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IDK I liked Perfect Blue
Which one of his movies would you recommend I watch next?


You should see all of them but Paprika and Tokyo Godfather are my favorites. Tokyo Godfathers is a very down to Earth, realistic, anime which makes it different from all his other work with the mind bending surrealism. Paprika is his best of his surreal style IMO. Amazing dream sequences with gorgeous animation. Nolan straight up stole shots from Paprika in Inception.
Fun fact: Aronofsky stole a shot from Perfect Blue for Requiem for a dream, but he actually got into contact with Satoshi Kon and bought the adaptation rights from him.

>None of Kon’s endeavours were big box-office either at home in Japan or abroad, though his relatively slim oeuvre – four films, one 13-part TV show – won him a fervent cult following during his lifetime. Among fans of his debut, 1997’s Perfect Blue, was Pi director Darren Aronofsky, who purchased the rights to the movie – a chilling, mind-bogglingly meta blend of Hitchcock and Argento for the post-internet generation – with a view to authoring a live-action remake. That project never got off the ground, but Aronofsky did lift a bathtub scene from Kon’s movie wholesale for his next film, Requiem for a Dream (2000).

And he kind of ripped of Perfect Blue again for the whole plot of Black Swan. But he bought the rights so I guess he's free to use it as many times as he likes.


tokyo godfathers make me cry evry tim

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