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Just so we're all on the same page, this shit was made by glowies, right? I've only seen bits of it, but it comes across as though it was made to recruit ambitious PMC women into the intelligence community.

The main character (disgustingly named 'Reagan') seems to be custom-crafted to get women to wish to identify with her. She's both more clever and less naive than everyone around her, yet at the same time cooler, more charismatic, and less inhibited. She is a girlboss and drops constant zingers around all the male characters putting them in their place. It's made clear she is sexually appealing to men and out of their league most of the time and is only sexless due to her le epic quirky nerdiness. She has an edgy backstory that gives her feelings of victimization towards her father and is simultaneously highly narcissistically indulging (her father tried to make her perfect through a combination of training and genetic engineering). Many of the plots and scenes seem to revolve around her particular neuroses and emotions, giving them an air of outsized importance. Over and over it is driven home that she is cool and gets to do cool shit due to power, privilege, and nepotism.

Thoughts on this?


sounds awful
but all too typical
i just know they make fun of conspiracy theories so it is compromised show in my eyes


Why is this in /anime/?


there's no /co/
even tho western animation is generally superior and more culturally accessible


>even tho western animation is generally superior
doubt that, most of it is generic looking copies of one another, at least they are copying gravity falls style which is good.


>(disgustingly named 'Reagan')
rest of your post is retarded though


>western animation is generally superior and more culturally accessible
>t. Shit Taste Poster


another calarts style discount bin show who even cares


the only good western animation that came out recently was Bojack and F for Family (which I like the best of the two).
And no Smiling Friends is pretty mediocre.


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>disregards the broadness and history of western animation by focusing on commercial baby shows made in the last 5 years


>[western animation is] generic looking copies of one another

Anime, of course, is famously known for its depths of visual diversity.


yeah no

Western animation has the same problem with creative homogeneity that anime does, but arguably even worse. At least with anime you occasionally get something like Perfect Blue or Memories. Whereas 99% of mainstream "adult" animation in the west is just lol edgy humor xDDD randum


smiling friends got old real quick. You can tell it was made by a bunch of youtubers


watership down and the plague dogs are also independent breakthroughs among many - not everything mature has to be "adult" either. i am not giving zero-sum odds about all this, i like both anime and western animation i just prefer the west since i am nt looking to escape my cultural membrane.


You're almost correct, If you amended to
>99% of mainstream "adult" animation in the west in the past decade is just lol edgy humor xDDD randum
then you'd be totally right, because frankly speaking the degradation of animated movies and tv series in both Japan and The West have been relatively recent and began in the late 2000s/mid 2010s, as computer programs made spamming poor cgi and lazy, computerized moe-face much more expedient and subsequently meaning no effort is put into the series at all. In the past, even mediocre or bad shows had art styles and drawn animations that at the very least had pleasant aesthetics, compared to today.


>muh cal arts
Ahahahahahahah retard animation in the west is more diverse in style than ever


>animation in the west is more diverse in style than ever
It really isn't. Japan is by no means a benchmark today but it isn't as egregiously lazy as mainstream animations of the west (particularly the USA).


Dude I mean in cartoon style compare 2010-2020s cartoons to the 1900s and you’ll see a noticeable variant in the quantity of diversity in style present in modern western animation compared to the past. Primal, amphibia, Korra, adventure time, regular show, final space you get it, even if digital animation is ugly as shit and looks to clean to say the new resources and tech available to animators today compared to the past is just irresponsible


Uh oh hit a nerve didn't I. Learn to draw properly!


lmao imagine arguing about children's cartoons,
you two should off yourselves.


>cartoon style compare 2010-2020s cartoons to the 1900s
I assume you mean the 20th century and not literally the 1900s, because that's otherwise a retarded statement
Animation studio is located in S.Korea and is not common place, moreover the actual LoK is shittier than the original ATLA as a story. Even CGI animation is poorer compared to a decade ago - Compare Clone Wars and Transformers Prime to several animated 3D CG series today such as transformers Robots in Disguise (the 2nd one).
limited run and not all that mainstream
Again it's not as mainstream as "Loud House", Steven Yunivers and several others that are clearly shitty, idpol driven, poorly animated and no-effort artstyle.
>Regular show
>Adventure Time
Never liked it but that's subjective, the artstyle's noodle-limbs are objectively lo-effort, and this is further demonstrated by poor shading and other aspects
>Final Space
Again, not very mainstream outside of /co/ and other niche consumers
>tech available to animators today compared to the past is just irresponsible
The fuck are you on about. Tech today permits people to singlehandedly pull off animations that in the past needed entire teams to hand animate for months, yet artstyle gets more simplistic and undetailed as time goes on and animation becomes lazy or loose - that's irresponsible.

Imagine coming onto a board called "anime" and not expecting a discussion about animation and artstyle. Also the "le for kidz" meme is indicative of your idiocy (or you being a troll).


Literally all of this shit is cope. The fact that shows like helluva boss can even exist today would’ve been considered a marvel in the 80s, you even said it yourself that the tech available allows single artists to pull off shit entire teams can make and your only response to every show I listed that’s animated well is
>ooga booga not popular enough
Meanwhile shows like Rick and morty of all things have only seen consistently improving animation quality since their first airing.

Anon you’re coping, modern animation is fine


I mean is it not for kids? come on. allright maybe its not for kids but its not for normal, well adjusted adults either, its more for autistic teenagers and retarded adults.


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>all of this shit is cope
No, not really. Helluva Boss is not that good compared to older material, made using comparably more lacking tech.
>would’ve been considered a marvel in the 80s
LMAO you clearly have not seen 80s animated films and series.
>said it yourself that the tech available allows single artists to pull off shit entire teams can make
Yes, people that do it for free on youtube make better animations and ideas than the current mainstream of animation, because computers permit talent to independently function a little and not get immediately pigeonholed into exploitative animation studios (though that is the eventual outcome). See pic related. My point is that entire teams of "pros" TODAY are producing mediocre results at best despite all the tech and money they have compared to their predecessors in the 90s and 80s.
>ooga booga not popular enough
Not an argument, but nice scarecrow. Mainstream means definitive of the average trend, not relatively obscure outliers. Thus my argument stands.
>Le Rick and Morty
<Hurr muh noodle arm is improving!
The artstyle is bland and the plots are a combination of Doctor Who and Futurama but "le edgy funnies". The animation is actually less impressive than Family Guy and Futurama, the former being a dumpsterfire of a series and the latter being over a decade old at this point.
Pic related
>Anon you’re coping, modern animation is fine
<Professional Animators repeatedly speaking about the degradation of animation and art-style is nothing, it's fine
Сказал тот у кого нескем сравнивать

>It's for le kidz
Animation is generally for kids, but that doesn't mean it should be trash, if anything that makes it even more important, as children up to the age of 12 are very impressionable, and according to research, incapable of discerning fiction or reality; thus a bratty, shitty main character behaving like a retard and it getting laughed off or approved tells kids "yeah, that's a good thing to emulate".
A little crude and dumb humor and silly shit is fine, that's the freedom of animation, but there is a difference in having moderated fun and just being a brainless Tik-tok-tier idiot that has a 5 second attention span.

For many (young) kids, seeing a crude joke and many colors is enough to satisfy their sense of humor and adventure. What do they really know of irony and complex motives and moral themes or questions and long form humor, the stuff of beauty in sequential and written art? Very little. BUT the purpose of a good cartoon is to weave such ideas in an understandable way as you tell a fun story, thus Avatar The Last Airbender being a benchmark for animated story telling in Western media.

A kid accustomed to crappy quality content, grows to be an impulsive consumer accustomed to shitty quality content. A consumer accustomed to shit quality content is easy to milk for money. Do this to en masse and you basically have slaves, whose primary belief is trading a "pay so much, get so little" and as a consequence, the masses descend into utterly lacking quality control while corporate swine bathe in the misbegotten money of a whole generation raised two steps more into slavery as they are turned into infantile manchildren that cry about dumb shit (see the entirety of /co/ for an example of that).

TL;DR: "A children’s story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children’s story." – C. S. Lewis


>there is simultaneously a massive labor shortage in animation and also the pay is shit
i'm calling /r/thathappened on that pic


Oh no, you set him off.


I've watched it, its "meh", also its not really political more something by smug liberals who think they know better then everyone else. also the MC is a self insert of the author
the author is a half japanese/white and the MC is also half Japanese/white, her being smarter then everyone else but also "quirky and relatable" is just wish fulfillment

overall its a mediocre show, not bad or good, I'd watch if it was on TV or something but nothing else stands out


>half white half Japanese

Oh god 0_0 a fucking happa


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Half Japanese Half Jewish woman, she makes "urgh I hate mediocre white men" comments, even though in her goddam show she's being paired up with a white male character


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>redditor denies the truth

>not really political more something by smug liberals who think they know better then everyone else
I think that's the point OP is making, they never have any political nuance, just smug idpol liberalism, but it's meant to have political themes.


>but it's meant to have political themes
is it though, its more taking the piss out of the concept of shadow governments that people believe in and just using it as a set piece for there slice of life sci-fi show


That's my point, it's doing a basic bitch "parody" of [X] political thing, as a front for smug liberalist posturing.


>also its not really political


I enjoyed the partner of the main character, he's dumb but still a bro.

>seems to be custom-crafted to get women to wish to identify with her

She's literally an aspie.

>yet at the same time cooler, more charismatic, and less inhibited

Did we watch the same show?


nta buts its kinda true, despite being depicted as "loser" in the show she's been shown to have romantic relationships all throughout her life and even gets her Universe's james bond to simp for her


>despite being depicted as "loser" in the show she's been shown to have romantic relationships all throughout her life
Not everything is about sex. One of the biggest losers I know is a pathetic bipolar fatass who constantly gets laid.


>a pathetic bipolar fatass who constantly gets laid.
If he gets laid constantly, then he has something going for him then.

That's called being a Mary Sue

>literally an aspie
Or at least Hollywoods idea of one


If you're going to make "has had sex" as your sole trait of being a loser then you need to get your priorities checked, my man. The guy is constantly lamenting himself to the point of literally crying and his mental illnesses make him constantly alienate most of the people around him, but he's also a nympho.


>make "has had sex" as your sole trait of being a loser
I'm not, you're deliberately being obtuse.
A) "constantly gets laid" ain't the same as "has had sex"
B) I pointed out that if that fatty "constantly gets laid" then they have something going for him for that to happen
>The guy is constantly lamenting himself to the point of literally crying and his mental illnesses make him constantly alienate most of the people around him
LMAO that's not really a being a loser, that's depression and mental affliction.
>he's also a nympho
That doesn't mean he gets laid constantly though, or does he hire hookers all the time?


>that's depression and mental affliction
sounds like a huge loser to me


>B) I pointed out that if that fatty "constantly gets laid" then they have something going for him for that to happen
don't we all
having sex and pretty much all of social phenomena are numbers games


>depression and mental affliction
<sounds like a huge loser
You sound like an asshole, though admittedly I don't know "fatty" and can't make a concrete deduction, but regardless those attributes alone do not make a person a "loser"
>having sex and pretty much all of social phenomena are numbers games
Huh? IDK what you mean by that, but there's a reason that a "loser" usually is a "kissless virgin" (and often a NEET) according to the general social definition of one.


Wow, she looks like she is literally me. Maybe I should watch this after all.


this will never be a class no matter how hard you wish for it


are you single?


read lenin child. sage


>Rick and Morty but female


It's actually Futurama.


The Main character is basically a combination of Rick and Morty even if plotwise its closer to a Family-Guy-tier parody of Futurama


so in other words, utterly derivative trying to make glowies seem relatable


Essentially, the "hello fellow kids" meme, yes.


I don't know if it was made by glowies, if it were it would be too on the nose, idk.

I watched it all and your characterization is spot on. It was seriously one of the best produced shittiest TV shows I've ever seen. There's no such thing as a "redditor", but this felt like it was crafted to appeal exactly to them. There's a moment they show Lin Manuel Miranda, they're always dropping these cultural references. Pretty shit.

It's this copy paste liberal humor that's also in shows like Superstore, Blockbuster, Kim's Convenience, Mr Iglesias, etc. That's derivative of show's like the office and parks and recreation.


you are describing the average male character, but you are complaining because it is a woman
this isn't particularly related, but americans on the internet always talk about star trek so when I was in high-school I tried watching the first season (the one from the 60s). I had to drop it in the third chapter or so, all the characters were absolute morons, weak, dumb, and childish, except the protagonist, the strong and wise father figure. anyway, your post reminds me of that black mirror "critique" of the space patriarch trope


look at the image you posted, it looks like shit. even the most irrelevant side character from the shittiest low-budget seasonal anime looks better


>Kim's Convenience
I actually like it, since compared to the other ones you listed, it's actually pretty non-liberal. The rest of them are pretty garbage though, you're right.


>let's only talk about decades old shit that has been talked to death
amazing idea


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>old shit
NTA but the point is that it's NOT shit
>talked to death
Every person can bring something new to the table, and just because somewhere, sometime ago, someone talked about an animated film/series, doesn't mean that other people won't want to talk about it or discuss about it, or hell even reminisce.

At the very least something of quality is a better topic of discussion than an obvious shitshow that the conversation over which is summarized by laughing at it and pointing out how same-faced it is compared to similar "adult" animations.


I'd say western animation seems to have more diverse art styles than the typical manga style of Japanese but I wouldn't say it's superior or inferior as a rule


>western animation
>generally superior
>culturally accessible


theres only "western animation" (mainstream burger tv cartoons) and the rest (the anime shows i dislike)


Adult cartoons have been the same crappy dialogue since the 1990s

Irony is, kids shows have far more diverse animation styles and dialogue, past and present.


I tried watching it months ago, it's horrible.


>just a quirky idea about all conspiracies being real
Maybe you should stop overanalyzing comedy shows. Sure, art is political, but you're making QAnon blush.

Also, it would make more sense for /anime/ to be a general cartoon board since cartoons aren't even based on comics (most of the time). But I assume Japanophiles squick at the sight of Western art styles.
Opinion. I don't think Western animation has a higher quality, although I do have a preference for heavily stylized works like Panty & Stocking or The Powerpuff Girls or Samurai Jack.
What >>12494 said. But this is all due to the infantilization of kids-oriented animation and the victory of plotless sitcoms in the TV land. Fantastic, weebs, now you can proudly say that Western animation is indeed made exclusively for kids and adolescents, you won.


>quirky idea about all conspiracies being real
That's not it though, langley. It mocks conspiracies as being 'totally not real' and "it's just made up m'kay"! The CIA controls Hollywood, always has and means many portrayals and ideas mocking these things are rarely just for the lulz.
>Muh QAnon
Nice strawman.
>It's just a comedy maaaan
It's jokes are shit, ripped from other shows that aren't even that good to begin with, the animation is crap and the characters are annoying.
>it would make more sense for /anime/ to be a general cartoon board
No it wouldn't Western cartoons and anime are culturally different even if there are connections and most people using this board and >>>/hobby/ prefer to separate these things.
>Japanophiles squick at the sight of Western art styles
No, Glowie, most of us crosspost between here and /hobby/, if an art style is shit, its shit. If it's good, it's good. We're not 4/a/ purists.

>weebs, now you can proudly say that Western animation is indeed made exclusively for kids and adolescents, you won.

I mean it was never about winning for me, or most users here, I think it sucks that Western animation has fallen low, and Japanese animation isn't excluded from this trend either. See ANIMETA -> Weeb/otaku thread


what a stupid thread


>The CIA controls Hollywood
Adult animation isn't "Hollywood" (or whatever you mean by that word). And you don't need CIA to "control" something in order for the hegemonic ideology to spread, humanist moral values for example are disceminated through family and education. Morality in general does not need the help of some secret police since people already accept it as "common sense." Sure, maybe the show spreads liberal values, but it's more likely because the author has false consciousness, not because "Muh CIA" or whatever. And risque shows simply won't get funding because the bougies are too terrified of losing profits.
>Nice strawman.
Strawman where? Comparing you to QAnon? That's not a strawman, it was just a freaking joke.
>Western cartoons and anime are culturally different even if there are connections
Doesn't mean that putting cartoons into a comic book board makes more sense somehow. By that logic this board should be dedicated to ancient Japanese literature or whatever.
Are these glowies in the room with us right now?
>We're not 4/a/ purists
Well, who knows? This is the Internet after all, it's no place for reasonable discussions.


>>23760 (me)
Also, cartoons have way more anime influences than comics which mimick live-action movies like AAA games do unless we're talking about niche comics like Scott Pilgrim and such. Which is honestly a fucking shame, the action in Western comics is rather stiff.


Adult animation is made by companies that are under the same umbrella as Hollywood. If you genuinely don't think the CIA has it's fingers in that, I don't know what to tell you, except read a book.
>Muh morality
Oh lord its you again. Can you go 5 minutes without blustering about this shit?
>That's not a strawman, it was just a freaking joke.
It landed flat then.
>Doesn't mean that putting cartoons into a comic book board makes more sense somehow
/hobby/ isn't a comic book board you dumb motherfucker, this isn't 4chan.
>By that logic this board should be dedicated to ancient Japanese literature or whatever
More fallacious argumentation
>Are these glowies in the room with us right now?
I was referring to your use of Tor, moron: "Glownonymous"
>This is the Internet after all, it's no place for reasonable discussions.
Anon, you start off antagonistically basically going "hurr conspiratard" in the first sentences of your post and then going on an irrelevant tangent about how this board, that was made with a specific idea in mind after a trial run in /roulette/, should be for ALL cartoons… even though people prefer to keep this stuff separate.
>cartoons have way more anime influences than comics
I disagree. From what I've studied on animation development in the USA and Japan and on how comics/manga developed, cartoons having anime influences
A) is mostly a recent thing
B) anime and manga itself was inspired by Western comics. Tezuka was literally inspired by old Donald Duck comics for his stories from when he was a kid in post-war Japan.


>this shit was made by glowies, right?
Probably. Everything that comes out of the western media complex is designed to reinforce western narratives to some extent. It doesn't get approved or funded otherwise. Just look at the netflix version of 3 body. It's a perfect AUKUS bingo
>Latam model girlboss character
>Indian/Uk naval character
>NZ character
>Is the cancer guy Australian?
>Black guy is from the US
>Fat guy is UK
It hits all demographics. Something with that budget and reach will subtextually promote western narratives or they will find writers that cooperate.


>Adult animation is made by companies that are under the same umbrella as Hollywood
Well, this is a different thing wording it that way. Even still, that doesn't necessarily mean that the writers don't spread neoliberal propaganda voluntarily, and we certainly can't really know how much influence the CIA has on the creative process, at most it probably doesn't allow risque projects to get any funding as I've mentioned and probably funds some occasional propaganda pieces which are more obvious (I remember wartime cartoons produced in the 40s).
>Can you go 5 minutes without blustering about this shit?
What's the matter? I'm just talking about how the ideas spread. It doesn't have to be morality but it's a very easy target to use.
>It landed flat then.
Very well.
>/hobby/ isn't a comic book board you dumb motherfucker
I was referring to /co/, not /hobby/, actually bother to read the whole post next time.
>I was referring to your use of Tor, moron
Ah, that thing. Damn, I forgot it's still going.
It's true that I assumed you are a "conspiratard" as you put it (though I'm not opposed to conspiracy theories) but I had no intention of antagonizing you, I just thought you're exaggerating things.
>people prefer to keep this stuff separate
1. I was responding to the anon that wanted an actual /co/ board.
2. I'm not forcing anyone to accept cartoons into the /anime/ board, and neither do I have any power to do it anyway.
3. Not like people seem to agree whether cartoons belong here in the first place but that's the problem of the actual moderation of the board.
>is mostly a recent thing
If "the 90s" are recent then sure. But anime getting exported into the US is a recent thing, and the 60s were very early stages in both the anime and TV cartoons anyhow so the cartoons couldn't really "bother" anything from the anime.
>anime and manga itself was inspired by Western comics
Anime and manga have already moved way further away from Western comics, and Donald Duck isn't what people consider mainstream comics nowadays (the superhero slop that is).


>It doesn't get approved or funded otherwise
Precisely what I'm saying, the CIA or the bougies act more as a censor rather than as a director, all this neoliberal bs may be genuine from the authors' side. The influence of funding may be a plausible way of CIA meddling, although the bougies at Netflix have just as much incentive to not allow communist propaganda to be produced. So we don't know how much the CIA actually intervenes.


>doesn't necessarily mean that the writers don't spread neoliberal propaganda voluntarily
Never said that
>we certainly can't really know how much influence the CIA has on the creative process
It can pressure executives to approve or disapprove of things regardless of its quality as a piece of work.
>wartime cartoons
Those aren't CIA, the CIA wasn't created until after WW2, and WW2 cartoons were under the jurisdiction of, and ordered by the US military, that's something else.
>I'm just talking about how the ideas spread
Perhaps a case of mistaken identity, but there is an anon who cannot shut up for one minute without crying "moralism" about any concerns brought up on any subject.
>I just thought you're exaggerating things
I mean it's an imageboard, that's kinda how it rolls tbh.
>people seem to agree whether cartoons belong here
I helped create /anime/ back when it was a /roulette/ board and create it as a seperate entity from /hobby/ precisely because me and other users wanted a seperate board combining /a/ /e/ /h/ /jp/ and other such Japan/Asian culture oriented boards, so that we didn't have to use 4chin or have our threads sink instantly on the /hobby/ board
>If "the 90s" are recent
I mean yeah, even then, real heavy anime influence began in the mid-2000s with stuff like Ben 10 and ATLA.
>Anime and manga have already moved way further away from Western comics
True, but although I'm hardly a big time weeb, I've read or know enough manga and the like to see many stark dis-similarities with most of Western cartoons in terms of genre, gags, visuals etc.


>that's something else
Well, it's somewhat similar.
>there is an anon who cannot shut up for one minute without crying "moralism"
Eh, I don't think your post was moralistic, I'm not that anon.
>me and other users wanted a seperate board combining /a/ /e/ /h/ /jp/ and other such Japan/Asian culture oriented boards
Then this thread should be moved to >>>/hobby/ as off-topic.
>real heavy anime influence began in the mid-2000s with stuff like Ben 10 and ATLA
It began with Genndy Tartakovsky (Dexter, PPG, Samurai Jack). Which are the 90s. Other than Genndy there was Exo-Squad but I don't think many remember it. And if we're talking about the art style then the boom of animesques was indeed in the mid-2000s (W.I.T.C.H, Totally Spies, Teen Titans, Marvin Mystery, Team Galaxy, Avatar) but those shows straight-up copy anime instead of borrowing from it.
>I've read or know enough manga and the like to see many stark dis-similarities with most of Western cartoons in terms of genre, gags, visuals etc
The cross-polination is mostly one-sided, with Western anime fans admiring anime without getting anything back (except for Panty & Stocking, Hell's Angels and that South Park section in FLCL) which is a shame. Regarding the difference in genre: I really don't know how they are different in terms of genre (they can be action, comedy, drama, etc.). Maybe in terms of cliches, acting and writing conventions? Also, the gags are different, yes. Though sometimes I'd prefered they didn't exist at all, if you aren't funny then maybe you shouldn't even try.>helped create


>Then this thread should be moved to >>>/hobby/
I agree, but that's up to the mods
>Genndy Tartakovsky
Well somewhat, his style definitely had some anime elements about them, but were stylized in a personal way that made it clear it had various inspirations. Moreover other shows running parallel to it, like Fairly Odd Parents, Danny Phantom, Ed, Edd n' Eddy, etc. were all quite non-anime.
>those shows straight-up copy anime
Well they copy the art-style, but I wouldn't say they're copies of anime itself.
>I really don't know how they are different in terms of genre
A show like XJ-9 is clearly like some anime plots, a Slice of Life with some supernatural/sci-fi thrown in. But other stories like Avatar, while having art styles and some gags shared with anime, had stories that clearly did not fit the styles of most anime. Western cartoons have practically never had something like Naruto or One Piece or Bleach, which belong to the Shonen genre that doesn't quite have an equivalent in the West. There may be a few esoteric stories and series, but not a lot. The closest thing to Berserk in Western animation I can think of (for example) would be Todd McFarlane's Spawn, which even today is very niche.
>Maybe in terms of cliches, acting and writing conventions?
This too. A lot of those are different in anime because of how different socio-cultural norms are in Japan and other Far-East-Asian cultures. Itachi's and Danzo's actions in Naruto are something that reflect societal problems in that culture that Kishimoto portrayed in the story. Many Western viewers didn't understand because of how wide the cultural difference was and had all sorts of negative reactions and misunderstandings, as reflected in a lot of fanfiction.
>sometimes I'd prefered they didn't exist at all, if you aren't funny then maybe you shouldn't even try
Fair enough, and agreed.


>his style definitely had some anime elements about them, but were stylized in a personal way that made it clear it had various inspirations
Inspirition is not the same as pastiche, Motorcity and TRON: Uprising both clearly have anime influences. That doesn't mean that they should look exactly like anime to borrow elements from it the same way One Piece doesn't have to look exactly like Western cartoons. The inspiration is still there compared to comic books and the fact that their art style is still distinctly Western doesn't change that.
>Moreover other shows running parallel to it, like Fairly Odd Parents, Danny Phantom, Ed, Edd n' Eddy, etc. were all quite non-anime
Didn't say all cartoons are anime-influenced, it's all mostly action cartoons except for… uh… Hi-Hi Puffy AmiYumi? And some parody shows (Dexter, The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Gravity Falls, Gumball, Regular Show). Also, the Invader Zim movie has an animu sequence. Also MLaaTR and FiM probably but don't quote me on that.
>Well they copy the art-style, but I wouldn't say they're copies of anime itself
I meant that they copy both the art style and the cliches, trying to be anime instead of incorporating what the authors like about anime into the Western style.
>Shonen genre
Shonen is anime for teenage boys, not a genre. You're talking about battle shonen which is roughly equivalent to action kids' cartoons but with a more lax censorship, although DBZ's power scaling is a distinctly battle shonen thing (although Ben 10 came very close to it, basically becoming a god in Omniverse).
>A lot of those are different in anime because of how different socio-cultural norms are in Japan
The acting is the way it is not due to socio-cultural norms but due to the influences of the kabuki theater.


>>23805 (me)
I said the thread was off-topic but now it ironically went back into being on-topic through derailing. Maybe we should have a thread here about anime influences in cartoons.


I saw a lot of people talking about this again on social media for some reason


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>Maybe we should have a thread here about anime influences in cartoons.
Maybe, give it a shot lad, I'm sure there's a lot of interplay. Could also include the influence of Japan and the USSR on one another too.

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