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Always a peculiar feeling when I'm checking a mangaka's twitter and it's filled with retweets of Amerikan political bullshit. Most recent one even had Joe Rogan's clips about the covid vaccine.
It doesn't happen often but ideally it wouldn't happen at all.


Everyone follows American politics because it's the global hegemon and whatever it does effects the entire world directly or indirectly


Which I fucking despise
Can somebody glass the US so I never have to hear about their stupid ass culture wars on my national news


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>somebody glass the US so I never have to hear about their stupid ass culture wars
<kill hundreds of millions of people and destroy tens millions of square kilometer of land becuz the bitching of a couple million people on twitter annoyed me!
Are you for real? Don't use nitter at all you retard.


cultural hegemony is when twitter


American politics have been boring for 30 years


You forgot to thank us for reading your blog.


Third worlder here, can confirm.
Incidentally, any time you think "there's no way people outside of America care about this bullshit", there's a good chance you're wrong.


>I'm not the shallow person following shallow people on the internet
>it's their fault for being shallow not mine for being shallow
I bet you've never written anything OP. Post your writings.


who are you quoting


Not a very original take either.


so who said that


>I'm not the shallow person following shallow people on the internet
You follow an artist to see things related to their art. Not everything you do has to be related to politics either.


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Damn… Sucks being so influential


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Artists that never talked about politics before today are on a quest to make the dumbest fucking tweets about the Ukraine/Russia war.


Joe Rogan is based :^)


yeah an artist I followed thought Putin was communist and was invading Ukraine to spread communism. also, think it was done some day that Putin did talked about his “de-Nazification” speech, so it not only clicked this dude as a dumbass but also a fucking Nazi sympathizer.


was the artist Japanese?


>you follow a shallow person to find out they're shallow
Then stop following them. It's that simple.



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>covid vaccine
>Joe Rogan


This thread made me realize I should prioritize manga from mangaka that have moved to misskey / fedi. A mangaka that wastes their time on twitter is gonna put those same brainworms into their works, and probably have less to say since they'll be used to filtering their thoughts to appeal to algorithms.


you read manga expecting to find intelligent opinions? are you stupid? most of them haven't read a real book in their lives
fortunately capitalism has developed this technology called specialization, so you can have artists that specialize in drawing cute and nice characters, and you can have real authors that specialize in real books


What did Stalin say?


That and there's glowies spreading it.


"Anime was a mistake, it's nothing but trash."
This is why the revisionists had to get rid of him.


<you read books expecting it to be mentally stimulating
Yes. Otherwise I get bored.
>real book
It's paginated (optional) rectangles (optional) inscribed in some way with a contrasting color (preferable, but optional) conveying information.


then don't read manga you absolute retard. you are asking why you can't find the sport results for last week in the new england journal of medicine


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>Manga that isn't mentally stimulating bores me
>I read manga, and am not bored by the manga I read
Do you lack object permanence?


>mentally stimulating
>Do you lack object permanence?
lmao what a dork

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