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All 20 volumes of it.


It's very good.

>The series takes place in an alternate version of Japan where the nationalized railway system was never privatized.

>[MC] ends up working as a security force trainee, where he unwillingly has to deal with his strange colleagues as well as RJ, a group of extremists who are fighting to privatize the railway.


pre-2016 /a/ feels like a parallel dimension nowadays


what the hell if you said privatisation and the free market are bad on 4chan now you'd get swarmed by mutts and /pol/yps seething at you


The anime was terrible. Are the novels better?


How was it terrible?


>[MC] ends up working as a security force trainee, where he unwillingly has to deal with his strange colleagues as well as RJ, a group of extremists who are fighting to privatize the railway.
For one, the anime doesn't explore any of this premise.

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