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File: 1649728558852.jpg (23.82 KB, 352x528, 1649603024972.jpg)



That was both hilarious and sad. It shocks me that the author is only a couple of years older than me.


Truly a genius


Really really good. Even better than the last. Always impressed by his work.


>grill is terminally ill
saw it from a mile away
impotent storytelling at its finest
also lazy, tons of repeated shots

verdict: author is cringe


>saw it from a mile away
Wow, impressive


I liked the twist with her mother. Good shit, especially the last panel.


is it bad I liked the explosion ending for the movie


No I liked it too and it's later explained why he did it anyway


yeah I just finished it. he just like me. She just like me. Everything resonated w me.


File: 1649846746049.jpg (404.95 KB, 2048x1536, 1649842767332.jpg)

Literally kino.


File: 1650821093865.png (1.32 MB, 1585x786, 1650818666581.png)

I'm seeing a trend


yeah they all died

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