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Redhead = best girl


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Well…obviously. that's why You have nami, makima, Kobayashi, tohru…pink haired girls are redheads but less cool


Pædo thread


??? no feet here??


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hell yeah brother


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I'm more of a red eyes kind of guy.


redhead = genki
blue hair = reserved and refined


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>Redhead = best girl
t.Asuka-fag in 1, 2, 3…


>choosing ntr bait


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>Muh NTR-bait
<Thinly veiled "ur vaifu iz tresh"
Bad smut fanfics are not representative of characters.


man whats the point of devil girls if they wont have horns and wings in full display at all times


Just so there is at least one adult redhead ITT.


That's kind stereotypical. Most devils and their depictions range from human looking to voices in the wind to animals.

16/17 is considered age of adulthood in most countries, so there's more than one adult ITT.


no no,she's the one getting cheated on.


That's… not how a harem works.


doesn't sitting in front of a fan cause headache?


No that's A/C


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>no motorcycle
>no phallic tattoo
>not in a cabbage patch
>not holding a carrot
You won't get to the end of the world like that, son.



she was based tbh

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