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/anime/ - Anime

Graphical arts and related topics
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Post your 3x3 or whatever other autistic grid you have.

For everyone who doesn't engage in the anime community, a 3x3 is your 9 favourite anime (or favourite anime of a certain theme or genre or maybe even your favourite screenshots that share a colour) arranged like this. For autists on /a/ it is a holy artform.


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What if I haven't watched enough anime to have 9 favorites?


Well if you have watched at least 9 anime you have your 9 favourite anime.


>pictures are spoilers and often uncredited in order to further distill any possible discussion
You can't even be bothered to discuss a single fucking scene from a single fucking anime. Give me a single reason why you think 3x3 threads have any value to them. An AI could mass produce pictures of anime in a 3x3 format and you'd have the same result as your thread. In fact, it would be better because the AI would be capable of learning to improve.

>my picture share a colour

See. This is the real reason you made your thread. Your pride in being capable of putting together pictures. Drawing a stickfigure in an original pose is more impressive than what you did OP.


Yeah I agree, 3x3 threads are just circlejerks for faggots who can recognize every single anime.


You know I would have just told you if you wanted to know what anime is in the image. You're acting like a redditor and getting outraged over nothing.
Pictures can convey more than words. People see a cool image and they ask about it, and then I can talk about what I think of the show.
>>my picture share a colour
Never said that
>This is the real reason you made your thread. Your pride in being capable of putting together pictures. Drawing a stickfigure in an original pose is more impressive than what you did OP.
Here we go, retarded imageboard psychoanalysis. I made the thread because I wanted to show off what I like, find out what other people like, rate other people's 3x3s, and talk about the shows we like. Well thanks for contributing anyway.


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>victim mode
Stop. Acting. Like. a. Victim.
You're clearly not addressing the main-issue. I assume this is disingenuous on your end. I'm not here to convince liars.
>I wanted to do these things
>by not doing any of them
All you did was show a picture, and put the emphasis on the picture. You wanted this thread to be about a specific type of picture. Anything else you claim you wanted is a cope.


How's Onipan btw


Well I was convinced that a 3x3 thread on leftypol would be better than ones on /a/


Why are people so mean here


i dont really know but it was different not to long ago i think the people on this site are generally getting worse


Shitty people drive away helpful contributors, and the mods insist on catering to shitty people and shit posters because they're obsessed with "board culture."


Doubt it, it's less hostile and heavily moderated compared to when it was at its peak years ago
lolling at how hostile this board is though, people really be getting madder about cartoons than politics


Stop. Acting. Like. a. Victim


if you admit to enjoying anime youre less of a communist or a "coomer" or something pathological like that


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I continue to see a disingenuous narrative being pushed.


mushishi is a cheap adaption of a manga that was entirely sold on static background art, it has no animation

tatami galaxy and flcl are the best anime of all time though, dumb contrarian maymay •`π'•


>dumb contrarian maymay
its just making fun of 3x3 threads where people are supposed to share their tastes and learn from others but end up posting the same shit every time rather than the shows in it


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What do you think of the color of my 3x3? There's a theme going on here which focuses on the color yellow. This is my holy artform. I took a while to arrange them in a 3x3 format. The combinations are endless.

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