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/anime/ - Anime

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File: 1651088121799.png (1.15 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm trying to find torrents of The Slayers and Record of Lodoss War. Is there a site better than pirate bay?


Have you checked https://nyaa.si/ ?


this is exactly what I needed thank you nyaa-sama


File: 1651180876283.png (334.31 KB, 491x580, reena inverse.png)

What the heck is this thing?



Didn't she have breast envy for Amelia though?


Hi-jacking this to ask if there are any Direct Download sites.


There are some (or old blogs) but afaik none with a library big enough that it's more convenient than just googling "<anime> + download". Pretty sure the big direct DL sites you could use for most of what you wanted got purged off the web long, long ago.
It's easier to find stuff on streaming/video sites and try to grab it using either youtube-dl or finding a direct link to the video file using inspect element/page info/etc. I do this when I can't find a torrent. But the quality is usually not great.


>Direct Download


I do that as well
>direct link to the video file using inspect element/page info/etc. I do this when I can't find a torrent. But the quality is usually not great.
I do this as well was just wondering if there was anything better
Can't really torrent (a lot) of stuff safely especially if it turns out to be a large of amount of storage space, unless you have a GOOD (actually) free VPN


what do you mean safely


As in not get a letter from my ISP


do americans actually get busted for pirating anime, i thought it was only mainstream shit


I'm not 100% sure really, it's never happened to me (i've never done torrenting for anime however cause i never saw the point, but now I do). I got busted downloaded dead space


downloading* i'm retard


you should give it a try and consider getting a vpn if you ever get a warning from your isp


windscribe has a $2 vpn plan called "build a plan" where you get just 1 server location. choose a swiss server.


No I mean what is the article of clothing supposed to be? A bra worn on the outside of an outer jacket… ???


I think it's her shirt and it's the jacket that's like a corset.


Just download onto your laptop from your local library
I use Mullvad vpn


She has breast envy of just about everyone and gets made fun of for being flat

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