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/anime/ - Anime

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Why do they get made? Who are they for?


Sometimes it's surprisingly profitable and sometimes it might not be made with the intent of being profitable (e.g. if it's trying to advertise a different product altogether, like toys or a video game or whatever)


If it's profitable why only 12 episodes. And if it's not profitable… why at-least 12 episodes? You'd think 6 is enough to determine, maybe even 3.


don't underestimate the power of coomers


It's downright silly to think they're intentionally forgettable.


Gotta fill airtime with something


Televised anime is rarely shorter than 12 episodes so maybe there are concerns with broadcasting or something.


How about the same 6 episodes, but twice? Ads require repetition if I've understood anything. You can put more budget into making the anime look good, and rather than stretch out a thin plot make a compelling 2 hour piece out of it. Making a rewatch more required if they rush things.


The forgettable anime I've watched are so forgettable that I've already forgot what they were


I think sometimes studio staff just want to play around for practice and to test ideas and just recycle them in a better package later.

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