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Did you know Ufotable made a crossover OVA between Anime Tenchou and Touhou but ZUN told them to fuck off apparently?

>Due to the strong restrictions on derivate works of Touhou Project, fans were surprised about the announcement by a commercial studio. ZUN, the creator and unique developer of the games, has little confidence about commercial video game distribution. Because of that he only allows that fan-works are made by fans for fans, with any intromission from corporations. And above all, with his permission.

>The surprise about Ufotable anime caught the attention of ZUN who later stated that said animation would be just an OVA and that he wasn't involved in the project. In the same way, this incident caused ZUN to change the terms of use of his series, prohibiting his products from being sold or produced by corporations.


>this incident caused ZUN to change the terms of use of his series, prohibiting his products from being sold or produced by corporations.
What about mobage? There are two mobage of touhou right now, one of them is produced by Good Smile Company.


He must've had a regrettable change of heart in the past few years.


How is it regrettable?


selling out is regrettable when touhou has always been about doujin


Who do you think makes action figures and other touhou merchandise?


idk if this is supposed to be a gotcha because almost all touhou merchandising there is out there has been made by fans, shit like figma are like a drop in the ocean


ZUN doesn't have an issue with figures because they're just figures. Stuff like anime or games by big studios would make fans to mistake it as official when he wants the canon to remain nebulous and in the hands of fan creators, and this is why it's weird that he changed his tone for a corporate mobage that came out of nowhere.
At least he included in the newer guidelines that mobage must be free-to-play, shame that he didn't prohibit microtransactions or paying to remove ads though.


Anyway, is Anime Tenchou any good?
>Director: Hideaki Anno


I'm just saying that companies have been making profits of touhou for years. It's definitely a brand that "belongs to everyone", but unfortunately this means can porkies can profit from it as well.
>At least he included in the newer guidelines that mobage must be free-to-play
laughable. Every mobage is free to play because they make mad bucks with gacha. At least the ones that manage to stay afloat.


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Afaik zun doesnt make any money from gacha and treats them like any other derivative fanwork despite being clearly corporate. Plus he still talks shit about them in omake.

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