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File: 1653003818755.png (182.95 KB, 900x700, yukkureimu.png)


Some retard tried to copyright troll yukkuris and a law office got death threats from Touhou fans, all in Japan.

>Yuzuha first claimed on Twitter that fans would have to pay 100,000 yen (about US$770) for a license agreement. She later retracted that statement, but still claimed trademark rights. However, fans criticized Yuzuha because as of October 2020, YouTube channel Touhou Danmaku Kagura staff had confirmed with the ASCII art creator, the illustrator, and ZUN that anyone could freely use "Yukkuri Chabangeki."



Based death threat enjoyers


>Subsequently, a person, who claimed that they were involved in this matter surrounding Yuzuha, sent a message to a web portal around the law office's area that read "Multiple bombs have been placed there. They will explode around 3 p.m." The Yamaman Yukarigaoka Line and the community Koala Bus were temporarily suspended on May 16 at around 2:00 p.m. The law office posted on their website that same day, "We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by not knowing that the trademark is beloved by everyone."
And they say violence doesn't solve anything.

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