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Ok so here's the personality I'm thinking about adopting. Myself, the tall blonde mysterious man with deadly skills who goes by many names and has a lot of associates that are just as mysterious. She is a quiet and timid public servant whose beauty nobody notices because she dresses down and deflects attention but is actually an assassin martial artist with a murderous streak for men that are not myself.


This better not be your Spy x Family fetish coming out.


are u trying to make a tulpa bc i am too


If anyone is interested i didnt suceed in getting a waifu
I just went insane and spend some time in a psych ward


Not unexpected.


Tell us how it went down.


Well it was a stormy night i went out several hours after sunset it was pitch dark. I wrote the Bus to a station near it and walked the last meters. When i was near the house I put my gloves and a black mask on there is a little roof over the entrance i used a nearby bike to climb up that. The window directly over that was not fully closed i noticed that over a week ago on a little scouting trip. The people working there probably struggled with those oldshool windows and didnt manage to close it fully. So it was closed but not locked if you understand what I mean. The thing with german windows is if the handle is not downward horizontal they are not closed fully. I manged to jump up to the small part of the windows thats outwords and hold on. My assumptions about the window were right with a punch it fly open. I crawled in. I now was in the 1st floor i used the stairs to go up to the third floor. There i sat on the ground and emptied my backpack. I only managed to bring 5 books with my. I started reading while reading i tried using my understanding of the dialectical world system to manifest her my only Love in my mind through our connection and the power of the dialectical system as laid out by Hegel i tried wandering the small bridge between our world and the ideal world were Hegels laws work fully. I am sure that I almost achieved it I saw her I saw her smiling she looked at me and smiled. Then I fell i fell in absolute darkness between the realities for what felt for like an eternity when i woke up i already was in the psych ward. I needed almost a week to come to terms with the reality. Someone must have seen me and called the cops the interruption of the ceremony dealt a create damage to my mind when they found me i wasnt able to form a coherent sentence. I needed two months after my mind was fully there again to convince the doctors to let me go. My long ununderstandable rumblings about The dialectical trio around Hegel probably werent helpful. Now I am back home My craving for her got even worse after I saw her every night I dream of her every morning i cry when i realize where i am and what went down. The good part is I lost my job and know i get NEET BUX


Sweet, is this the manifestation thread?


Its whatever you want it to be sweetie


When we are already on the topic whats with this spy family anime i hear alot of people talking about it recently is it worth watching?


Every positive comment I see about this show makes me want to watch it less


You will know if you like it by watching some. I was going to pass but decided to watch things I normally wouldn't and actually have been enjoying it.


The first episode was pure kino, but it has been getting progressively worse (for me at least). My main gripe with it is how slowly the plot progresses. If you want to watch it, do keep in mind, that it isn't really a spy story, it's more like a happy, slice of life kind of show.


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Comrade Yuri, I don't see the point of deploying Kirov's to this "Loid Forger"'s location.


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Wait… he's not even a celibate like me?!


So this is an (E)RP thread yeah?

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