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/anime/ - Anime

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File: 1653482201951-0.jpg (499.57 KB, 1920x1080, FTjziGWUEAAhxER.jpg)

File: 1653482201951-1.jpg (321.58 KB, 1920x1080, FTjzdNnVsAA_Pkp.jpg)


For a magical girl show Symphogear is unhinged.


File: 1653488361590-0.jpg (237.37 KB, 1044x1298, EODbQvgXkAU_liM-orig.jpg)

File: 1653488361590-1.jpg (3.03 MB, 2040x2529, EODbTfGXUAEGAUl-orig.jpg)

What's funny about Symphogear is that while the show is relatively tame with fanservice, official merchandise is borderline pornographic.
Chris is best girl.


Is is true this is UN but mahou shoujo?


What? No, they actually save the world unlike the UN.

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