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How much fluorite do I have to distill in order to enjoy this? Can I safely skip episodes 3-10?






I found it to be very good. Also, what's the point of skipping two thirds of the show? You might as well just not watch it then.


Because the first 2 episodes are fine and interesting, but then it turns into boring episodic stuff that has no impact on anything? Why would you watch filler if it ain't any good?


I wouldn't say it has no impact, since it is a character driven narrative, and as such the things that Vivy experiences are relevant to the plot even if they may seem "episodic" or "formulaic". But this is the show; I wouldn't bother watching a botched version with just the start and the end of the show, but you do you I guess. Also, don't misuse the word filler; you may think the middle parts of Vivy are bad, which is entirely defensible, but the concept of filler should be reserved to anime-original padding in order to wait for new manga content to be written, such as in Naruto, One Piece, etc.


Filler != anime-only filler, which is why the distinction is made and it is called anime-only filler when it is such.

Which Vivy experiences? They're all different timelines. She literally does forget. It serves no purpose to the audience to know more than our titular character. Things get revealed as if we weren't already aware of them regardless. You can safely skip episodes if you're only interested in what is being set-up in the first 2 episodes. There's no continuation between the 2nd and the 3rd episode. Hence filler is applicable here.


You're right about using the word "filler", I guess I'm just too used to a certain type of discourse and it grated a bit. They're not different timelines, like, there are two timelines on the show: the original one that the robots kill everyone, and the new one where they are trying to fix the stuff that caused the robot apocalypse. It doesn't branch off again, it's just that Vivy either sleeps for a long time or it takes a long time for Matsumoto to show up again, but it's all on the same timeline.


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Does this have anything at all to do with calcium fluoride or is this just more Japanese language abuse?


It surprisingly does, apparently, because the main character is a robot and her eyes are camera lenses, and supposedly fluoride is a key component in the production of said camera lenses, so it's kind of a poetic thing?


Why did they only go back in time once? That does not make sense. Singularity implies all timelines converge to the same outcome. So… what gives?


I think they use singularity in the tech sense of artificial intelligences becoming sentient and rebelling against the humans, not in the metaphysical sense. The point of a single time travel is to try and make a new timeline where the events that supposedly caused the robots' killing spree have been altered, thus avoiding said killing spree. It's not amazing sci-fi, but the premise is certainly passable. The real theme of the show is the age-old question of what separates humans from sufficiently advanced robots, which is why I feel that to call the middle parts of the show filler is to entirely miss the point, because the show isn't really about a mission to save the world (though it is that as well), but about what makes Vivy or any other robot different from a human being.


>The real theme of the show is the age-old question of what separates humans from sufficiently advanced robots
If it is, then Episodes 3 through 10 are objectively filler. Since they're about an android trying to make humanity happy through song


anglo ideology strikes again


I don't even know what you're saying dude. Are you somehow denying the importance of this main theme?

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