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Goddamn this season sucks. Nothing worth watching.


>tokyo mew mew
>underwater ray romano
>lumi witch

man what are you talking about


>soulless sell-out, from beyond the grave, I rather rewatch red vs blue
>low budget ln adaptation for people that are too afraid to read
>for literal 10 year old girls
The most eventful thing happening is returning a stray cat home or helping out the uncle that runs a bread shop.
>ray romano
>lumi witch
be more specific


Isn't there a dedicated thread somewhere for seasonal anime already?

Tokyo Mew Mew has a remake?????


oh so you're just a joyless cunt


I hate these threads that are just dropping names but fuck you OP, I'm going to watch Made in Abyss, Yofukashi no Uta, Utawarerumono, Jashin-chan, the Tokyo Mew reboot, Precure, and I WILL enjoy it.


>I enjoy soulless sell-out, from beyond the grave, I rather rewatch red vs blue
>I enjoy The most eventful thing happening is returning a stray cat home or helping out the uncle that runs a bread sho
>I enjoy for literal 10 year old girls

You only think you're dropping names if you didn't look at the picture, which includes literally every show, hence you didn't drop any names whatsoever.


magicless, music hating muggle


>you WILL enjoy the bad anime
>you WILL enjoy the tasteless music
>you WILL enjoy the entertainment meant for children


for someone whining about this you sure make the exact same posts on every thread here



>enjoying things


Man if you have to bring up RWBY and Overlord as a defense that's not a great endorsement lmao


To be honest watching anime as it's airing hasn't felt worth it in a long while. I don't agree with the OP that all of these are trash but an annoying amount of shows either turn into something completely different (and worse) than what the first episodes indicate or just shit the bed altogether. Better to wait a while


Isekai Ojisan is pretty fun as a parody of the isekai genre, might be worth a look


>Yofukashi no Uta
Only good one.


Can't things be genuine anymore? This whole parody stick isn't quite as clever as people are willing to pretend. One Piece is a better parody than whatever your idea of a parody is.


I read the manga. It's a bore.
>dude isn't the night air great
>nothing happens 3 volumes in
The characters are so unremarkable, I'd be surprised if you can even claim they have traits. It's in filler-hell before the plot even got going. It's sad.


>Isekai Ojisan
>dude things from the past are no longer on TV
>dude sega was a thing and console wars were a thing
>dude I have zero social skills

Literally in Chapter 2, we see our Ojisan pinch and zoom, indicating he is very much aware of smartphones. The author couldn't even keep our fish out of the water for 2 goddamn chapters. I'm just not laughing, but it clearly is not a parody. Which is unfortunate. And while I'm still reading the manga. The anime doesn't look like it captivates its style properly.


Parodies can be good if they use the schtick as a starting point to become their own thing. The problem is if they allow themselves to remain eternally stuck to whatever they're parodying


nah he's right


>uncle needs 4k hours watchtime
>1 million views of 1 minute is 16k watchtime already
This is just more highlighting the amount of time it spends on not being funny. It's not that hard to write compelling comedy. (Forgive the YT link, torrents are dead)


You can't vibe


I take pride in being a picky eater. At least I can vocalize my opinion.


How fast do movies usually get on nyaa? I'm looking forward to the Yuru Camp movie


yofukashi no uta, hoshi no samidare, and meido look kinda cool. i might also check out isekai ojisan since it might be funny like the adventures of the mob incel this season


the past week or so that you abstained from being a cretin on here was great, so can you kindly fuck off again? nobody cares about your shitty opinions


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>let's make up an alternate reality where i am cool strong and handsome
>and overworking myself is actually my superpower
>and i don't have to live under capitalism
>and i'm super underrated because…
>and i have several women lusting after my dick at once
>and there's rpg mechanics
>all in a generic fantasy world
it's okay if i die of overwork because at least there's no capitalism on the other side
what causes this unique cultural phenomenon to appear in japan and not in other countries to this extent


It's just a trend that kept going. Might as-well ask why Kaiju shows keep getting made only in Japan. What's being made isn't necessarily representative of what people want



watch kinsou no vermei


>kinsou no vermei
>A student at the magic schoo-
lost interest already


noo but there's a big titty sucubbus, it's fun give it a try anon cmon


If the new Tokyo Mew Mew anime can fix the issues of the previous one it will be the greatest political mahou shoujo ever made




What issues would those be?

I just imagined what you wrote. What do I need the anime for? It can't possibly be anything like what I just imagined, so it'd just leave me disappointed.


Just rewatch Shokei Shoujo


How come? What's the prose like?


It's about lesbian time travel and sweet anime fights


Fall is ours bros


>Pop team epic 2
Must've missed that one. Indeed. What a promising season.


don't forget about golden kamuy 4
i'm so fucking pumped for more winter treasure hunting kino i love this series so much


I'm watching Made in Abss and the Vampire one. Pretty good so far.


How can you be pumped for that censored secondary garbage? The manga exists and does the job just fine. If you've seen even a second of the anime, you didn't experience the kino.

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