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/anime/ - Anime

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Why you haven't watched the best anime ever made?


I don’t care if it’s above average cgi

It still looks like something straight out of a ps3 game and the plot is Steven universe fag fiction.


>random anon shows up 1 or 2 times a month
>Makes thread
>Gushes about some show or other
>Turns out it's trash made specifically for a niche set of weebs that fantasize about cute girls because they have no life
I think I'll pass


Steven Universe actually copied the manga


The manga is better, I admit. Its not about cute girls though. They are asexual rocks.


The pilot for SU came out before the manga, I think. I finished neither but they're both about ambiguously gendered gem people who fight and have yuri and that's where the connections end. Unironically probably one of those weird crazy coincidences.
I still think Disney ripped off Tezuka and Kimba and don't care what the horse fucker said, however.


>niche set of weebs that fantasize about cute girls because they have no life
That's not a very niche set of weebs.


same pest shows up to make a shitty greentext post every time a new thread is made on the anime board


I was trying to be generous


I have posted here in weeks




why is this board so terrible


It's a metaphor for life.


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Well it's the anime board


>Its not about cute girls though. They are asexual rocks.
>Most happen to present as feminine
So trash it is


False tho


If you were an sexual rock you'd choose to be cute and girly too



Why is that? I think I'd choose to be an alligator instead.


literally the worst amphibians


sour grapes




Don't say another Goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say anything else - word one - I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this fear engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming - as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark work will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.


Cinnabar Best Gem


Specially in the manga


>They are asexual rocks.
<actually are sexy rock girls
this is what weebs believe


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I also like the show but the argument that 'akshually the are rocks' is bs. You are supposed to view them as cute girls otherwise they would look like picrel.


>Best anime ever
>CGI 3D shitter


Tbh I hope CGI keeps going because when you make everything hand drawn they just draw fucking moe all the time. Where are the cool robots and guns, Japan?



I hope you die, literally, because people like you are why things like berserk got such horrible adaptations in 2016-17. Cell shading objectively looks better and if you disagree you have a degree of brain damage.


>Tbh I hope CGI keeps going because when you make everything hand drawn they just draw fucking moe all the time. Where are the cool robots and guns, Japan?
I know what you mean. Japan doesn't make Hideki Anno tier autists anymore. Sad.


Don't blame me, blame Japanese autism which makes the only genre popular (read:profitable) enough to put effort into being kids slice of life, and blame their refusal to do market research outside of Japan. I'm convinced if they actually ran the numbers on the American market alone it would revitalize the industry, but they're stuck fixating on their domestic audience.
There's probably a dozen of them working on "Little Girls With Big Imagination Go To School" right now.


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Sensei sculpts them



>I'm convinced if they actually ran the numbers on the American market alone it would revitalize the industry

Westerners don't actually pay to watch anime though, so their opinions are worthless


>More than half the revenue for Index, High Score Girl, One Punch Man, Food Wars, and KonoSuba was from international streaming
Maybe they should put some effort into their dubs and definitely stop pretending people are going to pay for subs. Let's say international streaming makes just 110% of what a series makes in Japan, that still means you can make something that does substantially less well in Japan if it has international appeal and still make more money in total.


Why is it good OP? I like studio oranges chi tbh but I remember watching 1-2 eps of this and not getting hooked so I dropped it.


but i already have seen hxh op


manga is a banger, alienation is the main theme of the story.


Based rock alligator enjoyer



My (second) favorite anime too, but mostly as an aesthetical example of sustainable reasonable existence. Another nice topic is self-reconstruction.

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