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Simple question. Not asking for titles. Just for methods. MD only features manga that are anime and there's a lot of garbage/isekai that's not very good.


Sometimes I just muck about the front pages of /r/manga just looking for what's been recently uploaded. Other times I like to use Tachiyomi, open the "latest" section of a particular source (mangasee or mangadex generally - this can be done on the websites themselves, I just find it comfier to do on my phone) and just look at the names and covers and see if anything grabs my attention. Given how tired and jaded I am, I can generally recognize at a glance what might be worth reading and what probably is just shit or at best a timewaster. But to be fair I haven't really been adding stuff to my reading list these past few months, kinda tired of the way manga in general seem to have become so trope-infested as to lose all meaning. Like that famous Miyazaki meme where he complains about animators having become otakus and no longer getting inspiration from real life but only from other works made by otakus in an endless shit cycle.

So there isn't really a guaranteed way to find good stuff, but what you can do is find some scanlators who translate the sort of stuff you like and just follow whatever new projects they start. Also asking is always a good way to find out, I've always disliked the whole /a/ contrarian vibe where recommendations are equated with "spoonfeeding" and thus heavily discouraged.


Usually I just browse the MAL rankings for certain tags and look for stuff that actually has well-written reviews that articulate what's interesting about a series instead of just saying "the plot is good". Needless to say not very reliable but it's the best I've found


I make some plot up basis and see if it already exists or browse more scarce genres because less to pick from.


Learn how to use tags and how to find specific translation groups that typically work on good series. You can pretty quickly narrow down your results and cut a lot of chaff.
LovelyStrangeDark for example is a very solid group that largely works on very interesting manga.


I follow (at least) two people on twitter. One posts anime box art ranging from older series to some more recent. If the either the title or art, or even both look interesting enough to me, I add it to the list or at least bookmark it. The other posts updates and news on stuff like new official scans and distribution, with his tweets structured in a way that includes the title, a volume cover and a description of the plot and I just do the same thing. Other than that, word of mouth, places like these, looking for similar manga in the same genre (usually after finishing something)


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