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"Yu-Gi-Oh!" creator Kazuki Takahashi was discovered dead off the coast of Nago, Okinawa on July 6 at 10:30 AM. He was found wearing snorkeling equipment.

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>guy literally just died in a horrible accident
>make it about your politics
Kinda cringe that he thought that interesting enough to write down though. Very condescending.

some newfags here really love shilling irrelevant youtuber shit here and will look for any excuse to post them

What the fuck are you retards talking about

a post that was removed/deleted (probably by the poster himself,not a mod)

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>guy literally just died in a horrible accident
It was hella based when the Highschool of the Dead writer died of a clogged artery however.
>make it about your politics
The guy himself was vaguely political on occasion. Pic related which was in the deleted post. You can find various translations of the text if you need them by just googling "kazuki takahashi abe".
Also simply voting against the LDP doesn't necessarily align with leftist politics. You could vote for the C(ringe)DP, for instance.
I don't know why people are getting asshurt over this here, though. Maybe LDP operatives have infiltrated /anime/.

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>>16195 (me)
Of course, no sooner than I post this Abe himself gets fucking assassinated.
To be clear, what Takahashi was saying in that instagram post was to vote against Abe's party, the LDP.
Ancient Egyptian card game magic is real. Takahashi dragged Abe down with him.

Man imagine shooting a RETIRED politician. Come on.

he hadnt retired from politics, thats exactly what he was doing when he got shot

You digging up a post from the past to imply something. Someone who isn't here to defend himself. Who may have since changed their position. Either way the statement itself was something I expect my daughter to write on some stupid school assignment. I can't believe the editor let that through.
>but the hotd guy
I don't really care that much about some uneducated opinion really. If he were to recommend a zombie movie maybe that would be more appropriate. Surprisingly watchable anime, I've seen it maybe half a dozen times and I've never even finished any of the 'of the dead' trilogy (?).
>clogged artery
that means it's working

Posting about something from, uh… 2019 that was covered by mainstream anime sites is "digging up a post from the past"? I'm not the other guy who made the deleted post, by the way.
>Surprisingly watchable anime, I've seen it maybe half a dozen times
I too love uncritically watching rightoid shit.

Basudo. I hope it puts the fear into American politicians.

>I've never even finished any of the 'of the dead' trilogy (?).
Ah so you're probably just retarded.

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