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They're making a Marie Antoinette and Che Guevara romcom.


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I'd cross my fingers that the author is actually knowledgeable about these two historical figures but I wouldn't hold my breath


thx I hate it


So politics is really just aesthetics to nippon huh? That capitalist realism must've hit hard.


>This is "Share House Nile" - the name of a residence where prominent historical figures who, for some reason, have been reincarnated into the modern era gather.
Wonder if it'll be like a shitty Clone High


weeb "culture" continues to be insufferable

at least most normie shit tries not to comment on history/politics. it's even worse when they do




they don't comment on it,it's just "wow,so quirky !" because they fetishize the rest of the world's history.
a ton of japanese are westaboos,because reading the history of the world is like us reading about greek mythology and making comedy bits about it (and don't pretend you never saw a comic about the "old days" of europe,even some where they do use real historical men)


Also this very thread already mentioned Clone High which does pretty much the same thing but it's a western cartoon instead.


Yeah that's what really disappointing here, clone high already did this and we already can bet they did it better.
>prominent historical figures who, for some reason, have been reincarnated into the modern era gather.
Does that mean we're getting other characters based on historical figures? Who could we get?
Was Marie Antoinatte even blonde?


>Was Marie Antoinatte even blonde?
yes,but her hair started going gray as early as in her 30's,so between her pale blonde color and the gray hairs,she ends up white haired in paintings.




The first two chapters are decent but they really couldn't have come up with a premise different from reincarnation out of nowhere (yet they keep their memories…)?
Honestly I'm just hoping it doesn't try to depict revolutionaries as violent, therefore BAD.

Blame Rose of Versailles.


He was a boy, she was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a commie, she ate some cake
It's kind of half-baked


I also forgot that they powdered their hair back in the day too,which is part of why everybody had white hair.
more trivia about her:
she was basically a trophy wife and didn't really "deserve" to be executed,and it was mostly caused by her constantly flaunting her wealth to distract from her shitty life. (not saying it was wrong to kill her tho) (the famous quote also was probably never said by her,and come from a book by Rousseau,who recalls a princess saying it to him,while Marie was 9 at the time,so it wasn't about her)
she was wearing new hairstyle constantly to got with the current world news,like incorporating miniature boats in her hair or putting war motif in them while the American Revolution was ongoing.
I wish I could add guevara trivia,but I'm pretty sure it's already been done here.


y is everything so based?


Back then didn't cake mean more than just fancy desserts like it does nowadays? I remember being told (while talking about this exact quote) something like it's the crappy crust that gets left in the baking tray when doing large batches or something like that


First,the original quote doesn't even say cake,it says brioche.
I don't know exactly about what you're talking about (maybe it's local to your country ?),but it's true that cakes as we know them today,basically comes around 1800 (so around the french revolution,ironically) at the earliest,and the only time before were sugar was used in cakes was mostly back in the roman empire (yes,really),and we had spicy cakes or even cakes with meat in them for weddings,because the poor quality of grains and flour made even fruit cakes terrible to bake,as they wouldn't rise that much no matter how long you beat the eggs.


>she was basically a trophy wife and didn't really "deserve" to be executed
This actually isn't true. Antoinette was a lot more decisive than her husband, especially during the period of constitutional monarchy when Louis was breaking down and couldn't make any decisions. One commentator called her "the only man in the royal council" or something along those lines. She was also literally a Austrian spy, in the beginning she was excluded from government for this very reason but towards the end of the monarchy she was constantly sending letters back to the HRE about what the government was doing and begging them to invade France to kill the revolutionaries. Stuff like the child raping accusation was clearly a smear, but it wasn't even a conspiracy theory that she was working with the Austrians, it was actually just true.


I want to fuck Marie Antoinette


Lenin, when?


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>Marie Antoinette, victim of the french revolution


Is there gonna be a scene where they eat brioche


Why does she have vampire fangs


It's a symbol of youth in Japan, Japanese women get dentists to fuck up their teeth to look "youthful": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaeba


historical accuracy


> clone high already did this and we already can bet they did it better.
One thing about clone high that was a recurring theme was how little they actually lived up to the legacy of their genetic duplicates. There was certain amount of pathos. I can gaurantee this weeb shit has none of that.


Anime or Manga?


Antoinette obviously should be living with Robespierre
but all the fujos that are target auditory obviously wouldn't want to see a sub 8' pox ridden male


I am going to jerk off to bishounen Guevara.


>she was wearing new hairstyle constantly to got with the current world news,like incorporating miniature boats in her hair or putting war motif in them while the American Revolution was ongoing.
based as fuck actually


That is interesting. Perhaps it's a wway to make people aware of current events by asking about her hair?


It's the 18th century equivalent of putting a flag by your username or changing your avatar to a pride flag


I might be perceiving it wrong, but why does Marie Antoinette looks more younger than Che Guevara?


They both seem around the same age.


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>victim of the french revolution


Reminder that japan loves authority and bootlicking

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