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Do not read Welcome to the NHK, No Longer Human, all of Haruki Murakami, etc. Worst mistake of my life.

only read the first one btw

>not reading Yukio Mishima and Kobo Abe instead

> Welcome to the NHK
Watched the anime but didn’t read the manga
>No Longer Human
No regrets.
It was an interesting read.
>Haruki Murakami
I’ve only ever read “After Dark” which I really liked but can’t remember much of.

Mistakes are my speciality

i watched like first ep of nhk, it was whatever
i don't get the point

i read the first 20 pages of no longer human, it was whatever
i don't get the point

i read a chapter of a haruki murakami book
it involved a blowjob

I don't need to consume media to feel miserable about myself.

I think OP isnt saying these are bad just depressing and hard on their mental health?

Thanks for the warning bro. I watched the anime, and listened to the no longer human audiobook instead


read chaos;head NOAH if you enjoyed nhk's protagonist.

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>yukio mishima

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