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The setup of the world is original, the lore is interesting as fuck, the uncensored brutality showcases an interesting take on violence that feels genuine to what something like this in real life could occur and the plot is overall entertaining

But fuck the amount of other garbage in this pretty much “makes a perfectly baked caked bathed in the shittiest frosting you could’ve gotten”. Child nudity that only exists to satisfy the authors god awful fetishes, crying and death when it isn’t needed or doesn’t do anything to contribute to any form of character development, major figures like bondrewd, wazukyan and his crew or just reg and his origin in general either gets sidelined completely or just flat out abondoned after less than a single episode and it fucking sucks and makes trying to be entertained or even gain any cool ideas like how ethics are considered when the promise of discovery is near or how people respond and develop tools to new threats or just how nature itself adapts to the geography that surrounds it doesn’t truly feel like it got the attention it deserved in a series that felt like it was made for it


>blah blah doesn’t truly feel like it got the attention it deserved in a series that felt like it was made for it
Because you're a speedreader.


It's easy to handwave everything that is conceivably fetishistic if you don't look at it from a fetishistic point of view yourself. Also people generally really just do not care. The vocal people who try to drive a moral panic are a vocal minority. Give people a good and entertaining story and they'll simply like it, they don't care to partake in some internet drama or virtue signalling of how MiA is actually borderline pedophilic or morally degenerative.


>I don't like it because it isn't the story I wanted the author to write


>ITT: Reddit the thread


It wouldn’t be as bad if the author would do something with that like exploring the ideas posted above but there’s almost no real ideas that separate it from being a generic anime past the second layer


>someone not having a slavishly positive opinion of Abyss
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one, some ideas are cool, but a lot of the sexualization and sexual violence is just tiresome; If I wanted to see some blob-faced loli in shibari being 'tortured' then there's hentai doujins for that… and I don't particularly want to see that anyhow.

Can you not?


I heavily disagree, in fact the later layers get more interesting.

Being a prude isn't surprising in the least. I guess you cover your eyes whenever anything sexual happens on screen?


File: 1663270547094.jpg (33.94 KB, 680x680, this guy.jpg)

<oh noes someone said the out of place sexualization is just boring mid-shit they don't care for, so I'll use that buzzword to totally destroy them!
It isn't surprising to any normal adult, but behaving and looking at edgy teen shit and being passive-aggressively defensive about it does not in fact demonstrate maturity. Do you like to view gore porn videos "ironically"?


>gore porn
Not him I’m actually OP but seriously does that shit actually get made for any reasons beyond shitposting?
>out of place
Yeah it is initially when the show first aired I didn’t give a shit about it since nudity in media isn’t uncommon and rarely was it used in instances where it was fetishistic but then reading the manga and seeing what the show would devolve into made me start picking up new issues less and by the time the narehate village thing was over I was so fed up with how generic things felt and how rampant the level of pointless nudity I just quit entirely

I did try to come back in the chapter with the bar but not even like fucking 5 pages in there’s more of the above bs and this time it’s not for anything it’s actual incest. I stopped and then took some time off, months later I wrote the OP


>does that shit actually get made for any reasons beyond shitposting
I've seen 'people' that enjoy it and those that post it certainly do. A lot of people that post or look at them "ironically" just secretly enjoy it and are too ashamed to say so.
>tially when the show first aired I didn’t give a shit about it since nudity in media isn’t uncommon and rarely was it used in instances where it was fetishistic
As a Berserk reader I have a tolerance of that stuff, but only in so far as it is necessary, like you said it just stopped being of interest.


who are you quoting /v/edditor


How do you have the gall to make this post and then call others defensive? Who was even talking about irony?
And yeah you aren't a prude just someone who resorts to "normalcy" and "maturity" to imply sexuality is bad. Well okay.

>out of place sexualization

I don't remember whatever passes as sexualization according to your closeted senses happening in the middle of serious moments, so it isn't out of place really.

>how generic things felt
Lmao explain how it's generic?

>how rampant the level of pointless nudity I just quit entirely

Not a prude btw.

>As a Berserk reader
Every time.


>>16958 nails it. At the end of the day it is people who engage with sexual stuff regularly that clutch their pearls hardest about it.


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Can you fuck off back to 4chan, schizo?

>the gall to make this post and then call others defensive
Imagine being so butthurt you make a big post about being called out
Lurk moar fucking speedreader
>you aren't a prude just someone who resorts to "normalcy" and "maturity" to imply sexuality is bad
<Normalcy and maturity is bad because using them as lenses of criticism exposes me!
No faggot, sexuality is not bad, as any Eurofilmfag can tell you. But excessive and vulgar sexualization constantly and/or for no reason is just shock value shit, like half the other content on the internet these days.
>your closeted senses
<not enjoying excessive graphic sexual violence is "closeted"
By that standard anyone that doesn't enjoy 'rape' roleplay and other kinky shit is automatically closeted. Fuck off
>happening in the middle of serious moments
Ah yes, please explain the extreme necessity for the discount Spanish Inquisition to be doing shibari "torture" on a little girl, very serious, except for it being fucking ridiculous and doujin-bait. This isn't an ecchi anime or a hardcore story in the vein of Berserk, so it's just there because at this point in anime 'culture' the market has made it a necessity for their to be shit gags even if they don't belong in said "serious moments" and fan-service that they try to pretentiously hide under "plot"
>Every time
Are you implying Berserk is bad? Or not a good standard for implementing horrific and sexual violence into a serious story?

>it is people who engage with sexual stuff regularly that clutch their pearls hardest about it
Literally the "if you're arachnephobic you must secretly be into spider sekz" Fucking contradictory nonsense. Touch grass.


>The vocal people who try to drive a moral panic are a vocal minority
It's not about moral panic, its about it just being annoying TBH. People like OP or me, just dropped it after it got boringly samefaced in the prior mentioned aspects. Yeah I think its kinda pedophilic, but complaining about it on the internet at length is kinda pointless, most people into that shit are too far gone and the rest avoid it. Only reason I'm even posting here is because I thought OP made a decent point and felt like discussing.


is this that panzer show


No, though the Youjo Senki thread has discussion on that.


I'm an art student so I see depictions of child/juvenile nudity all the time, among other disturbing content. The weird ones to be are the people that have a meltdown about it, instead of just moving on with their lives.


I mean they're just saying it's unfunny and give them tonal whiplash that makes the story less enjoyable,they're not having a "meltdown",but everything has to be exagerrated on the internet.


Ngga half the thread is complaining about the show itself overall degrading in actual writing quality. The child nudity is one offense out of many


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I know he legitimately looks like a creep but I swear his beard wasn’t as big when I last saw him


Why do anime fans have to constantly go on defense mode when ever the degenerate shit the authors put in their works get slightly mentioned in a negative way?


go back


Screen cap answers the question indirectly


conservatives move along


>everyone that isn’t into children, women with penises or animals is a conservative


stop getting scared by drawings


Drawings of what motherfucker
Drawings of what huh????


This might sound crazy for you, but a child being present naked doesn't make it inherently sexual. If you think it is, then you're just a pedophile in denial


I was willing to look past most of the weirdness until Riko had to use that sentient toilet that cleaned her ass. Lost interest pretty quickly after that.


Yeah dipshit if it’s used respectively
In the case of this creep it’s blatantly not and when combined with the bs in everything else in the series, from the generic fights, to the visible lack of overall theme past second layer etc it’s amazing it’s a repeated offence and not a one time fuckup


Holy shit I forgot that was even a thing years ago
Yeesh I think that was tsukushi at his worst


>Y-you can't call something out for what it is, g-go back.
Bugger off liberal.


no you don't understand we have to have a struggle session over noodle drawings on paper it's the only way to beat the sinful urges within me i mean the terrible creepy pedophiles that actually exist and that i haven't just created in my brain


my view is not liking loli & shota can be pretty normal and the torture porn adds another layer of "wtf" to it. the main reason I argue with people who freak out about it is because the ones who do it A LOT tend to be annoying losers with skeletons in their closets; that and more places making it legit illegal would not bode well at all

if you like it and someone just thinks it's fucked up you should just go "yeah it is pretty weird, lol, oh well". like imagine going YOU FUCKING CONSERVATIVE SHIT if someone says scat porn is gross


Again this would be reasonable but shit like
Ruin that aspect
I don’t care enough about the nudity because the entire story feels like one fucked up mess after the second layer but my god I don’t wanna hear excuses for it because they all fail to address the fact that this shit just isn’t common in media not even most anime pull this weird shit


I think it probably just wansn't entirely the story you wanted it to be. They are exploring the abyss but most of the time is spent with Bondrewd and in the Narehate Village etc.. Those bits are really good and the character writing is amazing but I understand that if you just want them to explore the abyss they're only doing that a quarter of the time at most. You're still wrong to say the writing is shit though, I don't understand how you could come to that conclusion.


Why does this anime not cater to me, a huge ass prude?


For me it fell off by the time bondrewd was over
I was expecting more with him like a lore dump or some really well written exploration of how discovery impacts society through his character more but that never happened and instead we got towny shit that bore the living life out of me while I hoped to god it would end(it didn’t for like 20 fucking chapters after)


I wouldn't file "doesn't want to read a manga where a sapient toilet washes a child's ass" under "prude"


>if it’s used respectively
Why does it have to be done "respectively"? As long as the child is not doing anything sexual then it's always fine. You're adding weight to something that doesn't need weight. It's no different than those people who need a justification for the usage of non white people being used in a story.

Pretty fair take. I can see the annoyance though of the posters who're into these subjects having to deal with people who're against the shocking material and their only criticism is that it's shocking. Don't get me wrong, you're completely justified in not liking something because of its shocking material, but the criticism needs to be substantial.


>What does it mean to be used respectfully
Pretty much what you wrote


Over the last few minutes I've thought it over and I don't agree with what I said. Let me re-ask the question as: why does any of it have to be justified?


Because if it wasn’t then it wasn’t needed and it ultimately devolves into the nude equivalent of pointless gore added in for shock value without any level of depth or intelligence behind it

Nudity can be presented in clever ways like showcasing serious injuries to make a scene feel increasingly tense or simply being informative of how structures of an organism human or not work. Else you just get nothing out of it and at worse discomfort or even open disgust


There’s only actually one instance of this I can remember where the author of MIA did this and it was when the girl(sorry I can’t remember her name) was getting healed by the furry thing after getting poisoned by that massive porcupine looking thing
Shit was terrifying but knowing she made it felt relieving due to the possibility of death being real due to the setup. Which is just another reason why I feel shit fell off after bondrewd as you don’t get that in the later chapters


>Else you just get nothing out of it and at worse discomfort or even open disgust
Why? It's just nudity.


Ignore: >>17109. Didn't mean to send message early.

>Nudity can be presented in clever ways … Else you just get nothing out of it

You're not wrong, nudity can really elevate a story. But that doesn't mean that it always has to be justified.

>at worse discomfort or even open disgust

I don't feel these things, and many others from I can assume don't feel the same as well. It's you who's adding the weight, the disgust, the discomfort, etc.

Why do you force yourself to feel these things, anon?


Force? I literally stated mild discomfort as a possibility
And in the worst case scenario
Nothing in that text said anything about force


No I’m not being sarcastic if your asking. How the hell do you force yourself to feel discomforted by something?


pedophilia is not "just nudity"


if someone reveals to me that they enjoy pedophilic erotica I am never going to trust them around and children and see them as a permanent threat against society


>How the hell do you force yourself to feel discomforted by something?
Social conditioning

>mild discomfort as a possibility And in the worst case scenario Disgust
No comment. I'm just ending the messages here since this entire thing is a stroke.


No I’m not assuming anything about you as a person
But you think people finding child nudity and gore discomforting is a byproduct of social conditioning??)


Nudity is a neutral thing and very natural. Before the 80s in the US, no one thought anything about parents letting their very young children play naked outside, or parents taking naked pictures of their children. The stigmatization of nudity in general and child nudity specifically is a very recent, very American thing.

It's not normal or good to look at child nudity and feel disgust, any more than it's normal or good to feel lust.


>in the 80s and 90s parents wouldn’t care about letting their children go outside in public naked in the USA
I’m not from burgerstan but even by their dumbass standards that’s hard to believe they’d do something like that considering the 90s had a massive fucking wave against pedastry of all forms with the internet thing and gays


Oh no no no no
This ngga genuinely believes this shit. Seeing family members naked is a lot different than shoving a naked child in public for everyone to see ahahahahah no way this fucking nonce is that creepy and retarded simultaneously ahahahahhaahhahahhahahahhahaha



Anon was obviously talking about very young kids at the beach or at the park when it's hot or whatever. Not parents sending kids out naked to walk down the street. Anons seem to be over reacting.

edit: ofuck this is an anime thread. 95% of it shouldn't exist.

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