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Everyone's favorite conglomerate Crunchyroll/Funimation is back at it again with not wanting to pay their VAs



Retards won't care because it only affects dubs.


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if they can't even pay translators and dubbers right, and use their money to fund bad american cartoons only a /co/ poster could love, this makes their "support the studios" shaming even more embarrassing https://twitter.com/JuneYoon_/status/1572388955571777540

I think "the dub is better" people suck but if a show has a lot of stuff going on visually and the dub isn't bad it's nice to have one


In reality there is nothing you can really do to actually support the people who actually make the anime you love
Unless you work for an anime studio or have millions of dollars to commission them

>I think "the dub is better" people suck but if a show has a lot of stuff going on visually and the dub isn't bad it's nice to have one

I prefer english dubs when the characters sound more natural than the way japanese VAs voice act


animator fundraiser is a good place to start https://gogetfunding.com/the-new-animator-dormitory-project-2021/

as for how natural stuff sounds, it depends on the show. often anime voice acting goes for theatric performances like a stage play; that's the default. it's why for the Yakuza games, for example, they wanted the Japanes VAs to act more down-to-earth and not like "anime voice acting" (but I dunno if it still applies with how over the top the series got)


donate directly if they got something like that. dont do that bullshit of oh thats why i dont pirate anime. fuckers will be giving money to the company that they will STILL TAKE THE MAJORITY OF. makes no fucking sense. im gonna pay for the anime so the company can make more money to underpay them the same wage!!


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>do a bunch of advertising telling people "support the studios"
>refuses to pay their employees


How are you surprised by this shit at this point? Who tf still uses streaming services these days beyond retards that don’t know what kissanime and the pirate bay are


If you aren't pirating anime you're not a real fan


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>B-but it was a voluntary contract!

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