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/anime/ - Anime

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> Anime about a soviet Vampire
> action takes place in a parody of the USSR during the space race
>There’s a romance
> The anime ends whit the Vampire beign together whit her lover and presented by anime Khrucev as a hero
What else do You ask for ?

>khrushchev as a hero

>vampires getting a happy ending

>vampires aren't all bourgeois bloodsuckers
not historically accurate

don't be antisemetic anon

green thread

Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.

Learn to read.

oh sorry, who the fuck is Khrucev, an character in this anime ?

There's a Khrushchev analog in the show that presents the main characters as heroes.

UZSR was a prescient name for a pseudo-USSR since it includes a nice Z.
I appreciate that while not-USSR is somewhat racist towards vampires not-Americans are even worse.

Is it even remotely accurate about USSR or just a bunch of cliches?

>presented by anime khrushchev as a hero

File: 1667820557001-0.mp4 (16.44 MB, 1080x1080, USSR nostalgia.mp4)

File: 1667820557001-1.jpg (234.19 KB, 2000x800, 1659482291304.jpg)

Everyone ITT:
cope & seethe
USSR welcome all species & universal
I cried after saw the anime. Yuri Gagarin indeed was a hero. Wonderful. So when the next season coming out?

She can have my organic composition of capital if you catch my drift.

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