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/anime/ - Anime

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It seems as if the right is going against anime now if it hasn't been for the longest time.

>the right thinking it's strong enough to take on goku

>It seems as if the right is going against anime now if it hasn't been for the longest time.
the mainstream rightoid line were always against anime, it's just the weeb community that got consumed by rightwing thought thus making it seen that they were tolerated by them, same with gaming.

Now the left is another history…

I think leftoids have a better case against anime

>alright gang it’s time to dunk on anime
>should we focus on the mountain of trash that is isekais and power fantasy harmes, romance animes that promote obviously unhealthy relationships and in some cases open misogyny or incest?
>nah let’s focus on some random ass alien dude

based, i'm glad my hobby will have less retarded lunatics in it now

dragon ball's core idea of constructive sportsmanlike competition for the sake of fun, bettering yourself and helping others better themselves vs fighting for the sake of domination is legit a really good message for kids. goku is flawed as fuck but he's meant to be & the characters acknowledge it, his basic driving force & the way he changes people for the better through it rules though

it's not just something athletic people can learn from either. some of the most fun I've had drawing was improving together with friends
that's cuz those aren't popular and shut-ins don't have power while dragon ball has been going for eons and is still beloved worldwide

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it's demonic because i think so dude

demonic is good

ok I watched the video and he's obviously joking. don't like the guy but c'mon

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The youth side of rightists still like anime, and that certain U.S. Republican senator and many other reactionary conservative personalities have used anime and weeaboo media as advertisements, so it's not likely otaku derechistas are any time soon obsolete.

it's his fault for building a reputation which wouldn't make it out of place for him to say that. you can't tell whether fags like this are joking or unironically serious

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It's another "American protectionism is disguised as idpol racism in order to sell it to the average ameritard" episode

japanese consumerism is usually superior and more dedicated since they rank artisans above merchants but it's still the same shit at the end of the day, most westerners seem to be more self conscious about it though. this is my general impression.

Japanese stuff is also just fucking adorable. Looks good in most spaces.

I remember checking in on 4chan to see what they've been about lately, and they seemed to chant about "tranime" whenever someone posted anime related stuff.
So yeah I guess the left owns anime as a medium now.

fuck yeah comrades we did it. Now we gotta release a 52 episodes anime about the Russian Revolution

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