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Recently I tried watching Teletubbies in Japanese, because that's how I learned English, so maybe I could learn Japanese with it too. However, the Japanese dub for Teletubbies is partially lost media, and I'm not sure how I would go about looking for fan dubs.
What are some anime / japanese media that drip feeds you some of the language while still being entertaining?

Yes I'm using other language learning resources like duolingo and a copy of Survival Japanese.


You're on the right track by using kid shows. I'd say watch something like Peppa pig's Japanese dub (you can find it on YouTube I believe) or crayon shin Chan since they're both targeted at small children. I could understand most of what was going on in the show unless they used a vocab word I hadn't learned yet, the grammar is pretty simple for both shows as well.


moe sol cgdct, the one with a specific hobby attached will help with vocabularies around that topic, with japanese subs if you can already read a bit. also cram vocabs with anki, it doesnt take a lot of time and is very easy, dont use duolingo it sucks and a waste of your time. also memorise basic kanji, i suggest you learn 500 basic kanji then stop learning them individually and go for vocabularies.

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