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How do they do this thing where they take existing anime and "fix it up" for the blu-ray release

I don't understand how animation works, wouldn't it be hard?


It depends.
You can install filter plugins for vlc and mpv that improve basic video-quality features during playback. There's anime specific ones that sharpen the lines and remove video artifacts from flat color-spaces and color gradients, that makes low-resolution and highly-compressed files look much cleaner. This will run on budget processors with i-gpus from 10 years ago.

There are more advanced filtering options that need a dedicated gpu with compute cores that uses AI image-interpolation. Basically ai stuff invents new details to increase image quality. This is pretty powerful, it can even make black and white movies have colors.

Your example has more done to it than just filtering, some of the characters have their faces changed in the remastered version, that means that somebody went in and drew new faces.


No, they just redraw what looked bad due to time constraints. These days it's largely digital so it doesnt always require redoing everything in a scene.


they keep the scene on hand (since half of it is keyframes some underpaid SEA animator sent them via mail or whatever) and have somebody redraw it later when they have the time when it's finished,it's all digital and kept just in case they have to rerelease it later down the line


man that sounds sad, having to redraw so much
or those anime filters any good? do they make stuff look better really or is like it emu where it just smooths out everything


Too many questions. Look up Dong Chang on YouTube. He's a Canadian that works in the anime industry as an animator. He explains various parts of the animation process pretty clearly


Well depending on how they have made the original anime in the first place, and how much they kept, it range from "hard" to "just redraw everything, it will be easier".

The first thing to know is that production studio usually don't keep files / puppets after delivery.
They usually keep some assets if there is a chance that a new season will be bought, but that's it.

Now, to "fix up" like your video shows, they basically kept the original data, and edited the images afterwards.

Basically, >>17607 answer was correct.
Don't think that VLC filter can fix up a fucked up face tho, it will only remove some noise, and sometime improve colors.
To really upscale and clean an image, you need an AI or some humans to redraw everything frame by frame (except if they have access to the original animation files, then they can only redraw what's important, and the background and such will stay the same.)
Have a look at Waifu2x. I know it's old, but it use AI to upscale images, and take a good amount of time using only CPU (remember, you have 12 to 24 images to upscale for each second of video).

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