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/anime/ - Anime

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Can we get a seasonal anime thread? I really like Bocchi the Rock this season. The comedic timing is on-point and it feels like a lot of care was put into it.

Wasn't there already anime about socially retarded girl named Bocchi?

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i'm watching
>kage no jitsuryokusha
>that time i reincarnated as a sword
>noumin something
>yuusha party ni something something
>golden kamuy 4
yes i am an isekaitard. i will stop this season i promise. golden kamuy is the shit as always though

yes but i forgot her name

the board mods didn't merge the seasonal duplicates?

bocchi bocchi bocchiiiii

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There is a donghua about a Japanese colonizer joining the PLA during Chinese civil war, strange you are unaware seemingly.

Xue Yu Xin

im watching it

After 8 episodes this is my review: it's competently made and avoids the pitfalls of the Marx dongua namely too much use of 3d and exposition. It is however a tad dull.

Interesting depiction of land reform in episode 7, some demonisation of landlords in episodes before that. No theory as of yet, and no mention of Mao. I hope they don't depoliticise it.

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what anime should i watch from this season

I love this one, and I can't believe I missed such a gem at first. The story fills me with feels and feelings of chinese patriotism, (even though I'm not even chinese) the documentary segments are cool and informative, and the landlords get fucked in the end. It's a shame the episodes are so short.

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mob psycho, bocchi,

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Last season Do It Yourself got overlooked because of Bocchi the Rock. Cute girls doing carpentry and crafts basically. Had a subtle philosophy against mass capitalist production and waste thrown in there even.

So far in this season Onimai has been pretty fun if you dont take it seriously.

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i love onimai, it's hilarious
the threads it has on /a/ are all shit though, but that's to be expected

Femboy anime?

it's about an imouto turning her neet bro into a sister with new medicine, she (formerly he) wakes up, imouto explains what happened, shenanigans ensue. it's honestly more trans than femboy

dunno how I feel about the new trigun

I havent even seen original. Should i bother doing that just because people will be talking about it again?

After watching the first episode of the new one I went back and rewatched the original first ep to compare, and imo it still holds up. One of the best opening scenes in anime to this day.

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So, we can all agree that Onimai saved the anime industry, correct?

>genderbender SoL comedy with too much bloom #2465

Never heard

I like how that segment made rightoids seethe hard. >>18212

what am I looking at here

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Compared to the original Trigun anime, it's a boring load. Vash is a wet blanket that lacks the qualities that make him compelling, and it generally just lacks any kind of urgency or energy. The 3d animation is… fine, but it really can't hold a candle to the 2d animation from the first series, especially the amazing first episode opening.

Even when you're not comparing the two, the new series just feels like it's puttering around by hanging out at this stupid town for 3 episodes. There's no compelling mystery, no intriguing characters, and the fights aren't all that interesting either. Worst of all, they seem to have abandoned Vash's commitment to pacifism, as he seems to threaten to execute EG Mine to put a stop to his rampage.

I was a big fan of the original series but willing to give this new one a shot in the hopes that it might be something different and new, but it's not really novel enough to be "new" and its difference are all to its detriment. You'd be better off just watching the original. At least it's fun.

Also Vash's redesign is fucking lame.

so what are we watching this season?

>"Oshi no Ko"
Because written by Aka
>Tonikaku Kawaii 2nd Season
Because I'm a sad fuck
>Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
I will give it 3 episodes because it looks decent
>Hell's Paradise
will give it 3 episodes to see what the fuss is about

Explicitly not watching and will avoid
<Dr. Stone: New World
reddit: the anime
<Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo!
spin-off+plus probably loli shit+who cares
<Kimetsu no Yaiba
I refuse to care about shounen, no matter how many women I encounter who like this show
>Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
not with a 10 ft pole

Everything sucks.
Probably just gundam

This season's started great actually.

Dr. Stone teaches some important lessons
on how to make nitroglycerin

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maougun saikyou no majutsushi wa ningen datta came out yesterday. as you might surmise from the title, the protagonist is an op mage in the ebil maou army but instead of being evil he does good things sometimes? the thing that seems to differentiate it from other post-modern silly isekai nonsense is the fact that it seems like it's going to be about governing a lot instead of going on adventures as a yuusha with your wacky harem of moeblobs. there is a moeblob harem here however, and the anime isn't shy about it, featuring them and their features prominently in the opening. it does seem very filler, but i have my hopes for it and filler isn't exactly terrible either.

The Faraway Paladin is so fucking dope

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