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What's your least favorite little girl Chinese cartoon? Mine is Gantz. Has some of the most unlikeable characters I've ever seen. The rapey creep vibe the MC gives off doesn't help either.


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gant is the lost of anime


>The rapey creep vibe the MC gives off doesn't help either.
You're fucking stupid OP. Go read your shonen.

Do you know what a character arc is? For one he's worse than "rapey creep vibe" because he tries to blackmail a desperate girl into letting him have sex with her. But that's actually the best part of Gantz is just how much of an scumbag he is at the start of the story and the slow transformation he makes to being a noble person who cares about other people.

I'll kind of give you that but the mystery of Gantz is pretty clearly a macguffin. It's about the journey not the destination. I'd actually compare it more to Eva and how the very end is some woo woo philosophical thing.

I love Gantz and how they kept it fresh not following the same dynamics over and over again for the whole series. So many cool subplots that could've been their own whole manga like the suicidal kid who learns telepathy and etc.


remember how gantz introduces vampires as a major plot point and then just forgets about them


Imagine being willing to forgive a rapist lmao


Goblin Slayer trailer tricked me into believing the show is going to be fun. I was deaperate for an action anime, and kept excusing how bad that fucking garbage was for 6 episode until finally give up any hope that the show will do 180 and turn into something remotely watchable. Just edgy rape fetishistic weeb wishfulfillment fantasy with bad animation, bad dialogue, bad humor, no plot nor originality to speak of. Oh, and its fans keep comparing it to Berserk, because both are dark and have rape in them, and these absolute cretins think thats what makea Berserk good.


OP is the type of guy to watch American History X and say "omg it's about a Nazi!"


Like the FLCL anime, hate the manga



I don't need to explain why.


Fate, such a badly written show, with such good animation, that could actually be spent animating something decent. It has also been exploited to a cape-shit/ mavel movie level, I wouldn't mind if it was smaller, or worse animated, but it is literally burning garbage


You're absolutely insane by even taking Gantz seriously by 10 chapters in. When you look at it as a nonsensical piece of shit written by a pretentious narcissist whose idea of complex characters comes from Michael Bay movies, it's so much fucking fun
That part where the guy paints himself to look like a black guy in order to commit a mass shooting is etched into my brain, who the actual fuck comes up with this shit. There's also a point about halfway through where it almost gets unironically good for a bit and then slides right back into complete shlock territory


>That part where the guy paints himself to look like a black guy in order to commit a mass shooting
tf, that was one of the best parts


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The original is an LN, but it has a manga, so whatever. By Allah, I implore you not to read this fucking steaming pile of shit. It's somehow a synthesis of every trope I hate:
>"i have slaves but i treat them well therefore they wanna fuck me"
>"utility class = LE BAD therefore we are sending you to die faggot-kun"
>le secretly op skill and op cuck class that everyone thinks is trash (because they're fucking stupid 43 iq isekai characters)
>mc doesn't give a shit about anything bad going on around him because he's le edgy
>gods go "fufufu omoshiroi" and help mc survive because apparently faggot-kun dying in a forest is so interesting
>girl of the week haremshit (harem girls aren't even fun to be around, obnoxious whenever they speak due to mc wank)
>muuuuuh revengerino somehow manages to occupy the story and not at the same time, gets shitty resolution
>ending so forgettable i can't even complain about it

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