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I am having an obsession with Code Geass, i watched it four months ago and i keep imagining lelouch inside of my brain, because he is the most badass antihero protagonist i've seen in any anime.

what's your thoughts on this anime? is it leftist?


No, it's not leftist.

I wish you could have seen it when it was first released. Nothing quite compares to having watched it with /a/, way back when.



Great anime, and the abridge "code ment" is also excellent.


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I didnt watch it but I guess I am pretty obsessive on the animes I've watched too! Still… I couldn't repress the echoing sounds of Happy Sugar Life from my mind&heart…


theres certainly big leftists themes, you'd have to be a blind retard to miss them, the whole first season is literally an anticolonial struggle by a terrorist org
I really loved it when watching it too. The chessmaster protag is a formula I like, the action is good, the plot/universe is mostly good, the slice of life isnt too annoying
mostly just annoyed at suzaku and some weird twists (although some of the weird twists also give legendary scenes lmao euphinator), the geass world shit wasnt done well either imo


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This anime had a fantastic English dub. Crispin Freemans voice is eternally burned in my mind, Hellsing being the first anime I ever watched.


When I was younger I cried myself to sleep because I wasn't a cool terrorist like Lelouch…


there's always time


>Frustrated at Suzaku
I think that's supposed to be on purpose. He wants the world to be peaceful and yet he joins the military. He brought peace between Japan and Brittiania by killing his father. I think he's supposed to be a walking contradiction.


He's a dirty, useless slut.


pronounced code gay ass


Cocked Gayass.


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I liked the scene where the glasses bitch humped that table


Post it.



hot hot hot

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