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File: 1672456792270-0.png (1.52 MB, 1440x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1672456792270-1.gif (10.58 MB, 640x634, what anime is this.gif)


why are these pipes always stock fixtures in city anime in the ground where children play???

what's the explanation anons? do you know?


i remember seeing some pipes like that in a playground in a club i used to go when i was a kid, used to craw in and out of them and all that, but none where three stacks, only two.



no, brazil.


In the US it's tractor tires that get laid out on their side for kids to play on. If it werent for the other anon I would have just guessed it's like that.

So it's just play equipment made to look like construction leftovers?


Perhaps there's some safety guidelines these follow, or the original got stolen so they bolted them down.


Common construction feature that is very easy to draw


since I noticed the name of the gif,it's from the ending of Mondaiji,I don't particularly recommend it tho.


Yes they must be attached when in a pile since if one kid just trips and knocks it over you could get another kid crushed under it.


Am I the only one here who would enjoy an adult sized version of this? Just seems it would be cozy to sit inside or lay inside a tube.


Sewers exist.


We have undersea gas pipes in a park here, very fun for all ages


thank you based anon-chan


Japan's mode of production shifted into a more modern capitalistic context after it became a colony of Amerikkka, what is capitalism if not endlessly building and rebuilding cities to justify real estate rents finance accumulation?

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