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/anime/ - Anime

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i hate anime that takes place inside of highschool.

i want more anime like naruto and dragon ball, that has no high school, and has protagonist work hard to get stronger. but i don't want it to be childish like shonen is


Read dorohedoro.


Read fire punch.


Read chainsaw man.


read lone wolf and cub


read uhh


Watch Serial Experiments Lain. Like there are scenes at a school but not enough to be considered 'taking place at school'

Watch Paranoia Agent

Read Toto! The Wonderful Adventure.


Good suggestions

OP seems too much of a normie for these


lmao if sel isnt spammed on social media everywhere


It is widely known but normies take it as a meme
Kinda like Hegel for /lit/


Why not watch "The Laughing Salesman"?


>that post
>posts a gay Lelouch

Watch G.i.t.S


File: 1676341357359.jpg (136.03 KB, 1366x768, feel the moe moe kyun.JPG)

Watch legend of the galactic heroes

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