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does anybody here remember the panty & stocking anime


i love hentai yes hentai is great i love hentai i watch so much of it hentai is awesome its so cool i love hentai its just incredible to watch it


yes, the soundtrack was dank too, but always disappointed this song wasn't on it


trigger announced a second season last year,so yes.


I remember it coming out when I was in highschool and thinking it was super fun with a great soundtrack and good spin off porn and cosplay. Scanty and knee socks theme is an absolute bangerrrrrrrr


Yes it was fun. Hated the first episode though. Dub had funnier dialogue than subs.


There is a hentai of it?

Seriously? Hopefully it's as enjoyable.


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It's been more than 10 years…
But p&s are from gainax


they bought the rights to it.



PSG is the GOAT, the art style, the OST and the action scenes are amazing. I'm also a fan of Western animation so an homage to it with incredible fight choreography was extra special to me.


lol what is even this video, they showed like zero clips of the show, she was just like 'uhhh this guy is big and buff and black and the girls disrespect him, also he's into young boys, this is anti blackness' like what???


I thought it was unfunny


What made you change your mind?


The fact that it's been years so I'm not sure if I would think that if I rewatched it


it wasn't /that/ funny, but the visuals and music were cool

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