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I thought I finally found another fantasy without bullshit that's so rare these days but we're hit with an in-universe level up system that I can excuse, but then it slowly starts turning into a harem power fantasy with a little bitch MC, so it's pretty much an isekai without the isekai part. The author even refuses to let characters level up when they should because Bell needs to be the main character and he has to constantly kill the big bad monsters to save the day.

Having watched all four seasons it's at its best when it's *not* focusing on the harem power fantasy crap, as you'd expect. It's like the author does not understand what a good story is, they just copied the cliche and prioritized their childish desires over telling an actual good story and the good parts happen accidentally.


Oh and like almost all harems, this one contains over 10 girls and the MC only really cares about one - you guessed it, the most boring and flat female character who showed up first.


I don't like such animes too, got bored after the first season , everything turning around MC is just lame I think

Hestia is bestia


>everything turning around MC is just lame
i really really like how mc's power is literally the power of asspulls, not even entertaining ones


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i got baited into thinking the same as op because it dared to give the mc a bro in the party very early but he ended up being the only male companion
shame he got shafted by the anime adaptation because the light novel gives him a lot of scenes and growth, business as usual


also welf and lili (the first girl to join bell) are somewhat the only sane and well spoken characters, everyone else is so cheesy


>I want his dick because he's nice!
Too many anime have wimpy protagonists, and I just get sick of it. Writers do it because there is a certain demographic of viewers who are emasculated by watching a character that's more masculine than they are, which makes the whole situation especially pathetic. In the story, when Bell doesn't make rational decisions, I can't relate, and when he doesn't make brave decisions, I can't cheer for him, either. The side characters are more interesting than the MC.


I like Danmachi but wallenstein is the worst waifu. Lion #1 Best Elf Best Wife Best Girl


The author was going to have Ryuu win in the 14th volume and the editor stepped in to stop that.
The reason the kitsune prostitute ended up being ackshually a virgin is thanks to the editor too.


virgin prostitutes are more common than i initially thought. fucking purityfags


>The author was going to have Ryuu win in the 14th volume and the editor stepped in to stop that.

What a fag. She's literally the best girl.

>The reason the kitsune prostitute ended up being ackshually a virgin is thanks to the editor too.

That's even worse. What an asshole


waow i love profit-seeking and commodity production


The whole fucking arc dwelled on Bell defending an impure heroine just to get cold feet at the end retconning the character and making her a literal virgin prostitute. Sasuga, Nihon!


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Autistic girls in anime are literally the worst. Same reason Pet Kanojo is a trash show.


With the current season over, the situation with Ryu getting all the focus and development while the "trophy wife" gets absolutely zero reminds me a lot of what happened with Re:Zero.


The fight against the juggernaut was kind of lame, probably because splitting it between two episodes kind of killed the energy.

Also Ryu is the very best girl and Bell is retarded.


At least in Re:Zero that's a conscious decision on the author because Mobilia is supposed to be a stand-in for the witch.
Meanwhile with Danmachi, Mobstein and endless teasing but no action with anyone is getting pushed by the editor instead.



When was the last time she and bell even spoke together


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Ais is kept in the background, remains an expensive unblemished trophy for the hero to claim at the end. It's a story of the hero's growth, testing these "whores" for their worthiness, sending a message on who the correct "wife material", punishing the whores and putting them in their place, and the MC is rewarded for resisting temptation, resisting the easy weak path and acquiring the trophy Ais as a sign of his growth.


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i just want to think its the creator not knowing what the fuck to do since its his first work

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