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Right-wingers getting into Vinland Saga because they see le epic vikings always end up whining about how "moralizing" and "boring" it is. When the author added a trans person circles like 4ch*n absolutely exploded.

Yukimura is smarter than Miura because he ripped the bandaid off in a single arc. Every Vinland Saga fan after the Farmland Saga knows what they're there for, while a plurality of Berserk fans are meatheads waiting for the next brutal sexual assault and getting mad Guts wanted to save Casca over hunting down Griffith.


right wingers when history is more than a self insert fanfic case 852385 of 3257834807


i'm actually extremely glad that he made the rightoids mad quickly, because the bitching and attention from them is kept to a minimum now that they know they aren't welcome. also he cute


Sure but the manga went to shit after the farm anyways so why does it matter.


They get really angry when characters stop to think for a second that playing humans vs orcs might not be the best idea, like in Kimetsu no Yaiba when the MC realized not all demons are evil.


The baltic arc was shit, but the current vinland arc is ok. I'm glad he skipped the travel to Greece and return.


I’m just glad it isn’t like any other generic post 80s anime and by that I mean in its aesthetics. I hate how similar animated characters look in a lot of anime compared to the diversity seen in the rest of east Asia, Europe and NA


I always liked Vinland for trying to be historically accurate and of course for great fights. Unfortunately the whole philosopizing never have been a strength of the author. It's too much lib for me, too idealistic. Also anachronistic. People from that time didn't really thought like that.

The farm arc was pretty great though, not gonna lie. After that it was kinda meh. I think i decided to drop it after the native american had visions of nuclear bomb.


>I'm glad he skipped the travel to Greece and return.
I dunno, i was kinda hyped for how he would portray long travel and trade between different cultures. Was disappointed when they have just skipped that.


Did you just copy this thread from twitter?
Anyway, I dropped the the show quite early. A grounded historical drama does not mesh well with superpowered shonen characters.


rightoids like it because Thorfinn is a revisionist who cucks down to his slave masters because "muh violence is bad" its shit and vapid get a hold of yourself OP. He is very much pandering to rightoids


To be honest, Thorfinn has the rare power of pissing off both chinlets and leftists.
He wasted part of his life in a quest for revenge, not understanding his father's words. When he lost the chance to obtain revenge, he spent another good chunk of his life as a broken man, working as a slave with nothing to look forward to. Once awaken, he started working toward his dream of creating a land without violence. Not a land where there's no need for violence: he unilaterally decided there won't be violence, and how he was going to enforce that? He wasn't, his plan was always to "move somewhere else".


>To be honest, Thorfinn has the rare power of pissing off both chinlets and leftists.
It's incredibly lib, it's not that rare.


Honestly Vinland saga feels too… anime for the story being told. Like it's trying to be hardcore and real, but the animation and style pulls me out of the story. If it was done more like Berserk I think it'd be less jarring.

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