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File: 1678829965345.png (1.08 MB, 1476x2048, index.png)


I feel old gushing over this manga about a salaryman and a supermarket employee smoking after shifts.


File: 1678889907245.jpg (748.67 KB, 1476x2048, 0-Nwg3OOGQbuRXn-m.jpg)

ayyy i've just read that one. i'm excited for more releases, it's a good one


It's really nice, too bad releases are very slow.


>hot girl chasing after a meek personalityless guy
Another weeb wish fulfillment fantasy. Might as well have orcs and wizards in it.


Yeah I'm not falling for propaganda from the tobacco industry.


girl in her 20s falling for an older guy is very realistic :^)

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