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File: 1681281097757.jpg (123.51 KB, 1280x1322, Puri-Puri-Prisoner.jpg)


> big burly homosexual man
> special power is magical girl shit
> likes to get naked on every occasion
> in prison for sexual assault
> could easily escape but stays because it's easier to rape in jail
Is there some obscure Japanese cultural context missing that makes this character okay?

why do fictional characters need to be "okay", greentexter

He's a okama, a gay, effeminate (but not passing) transvestite. They're campy, just like drag queens and Japan likes to make fun of them, but yeah him being a rapist was just bad taste.

bad taste? maybe
funny? definitely

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(caveat: haven't seen the animated series)
it's literally spelled out when he's first introduced
some character goes like
>he only does it to criminals, so it's okay!
and the narrating voice retorts
<(it really isn't)
>moralfagging over a joke character in a joke cartoon on a faroese rock collecting bbs

Jokes are supposed to be funny.

I'm not against edgy humor but it felt out of place as fuck when I first read it

It's probably outrageous on purpose. Like, it makes sense that you'll occasionally encounter outrageous people, and in a world with superpowers and stuff, that's magnified considerably.
So like, it's not supposed to be okay.

what's funny about rape?

Well, he does look like a gigachad, so it's almost like the anime is saying that "be gay, do crime" is a gigachad philosophy


characters needing to be "okay" is so tiresome.

Not a fan of the series, but the character always seemed to me like an over the top parody of the way superhero characters often have some gimmicky "theme" to them that's often actually kind of gross if you think about it. Like, superheroes tend to be an exaggeration of certain elements of society and tend to align with upholding law and order of those societies. He's a parody of how burgers view correctional facilities and their warped idea of punitive carceral systems. I mean as much as burgers joke about prison rape and how it's "justice" that would surely make a superhero who goes around raping criminals an efficient dispenser of justice, right?

>some character goes like
>>he only does it to criminals, so it's okay!
>and the narrating voice retorts
><(it really isn't)
Yeah it sounds like they are making fun of western superheroes normalizing institutional violence.

It's made pretty clear that he rapes because he is homosexual not because of justice or whatever.

They do the same with straight characters though so why should a gay one be treated different? Japanese arent exactly known for having refined humour.

>and the narrating voice retorts
><(it really isn't)
i dont see the problem then, the character is clearly not meant to be sympathized with

It's a negative stereotype, of course you are not supposed to sympathize with it.

i like him

Prison rape doesn't happen because the prisoners want justice either, but burgers still act like it's justice being carried out.

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i would like him, but then they made him a gay sexual assaulter
like most gay men porn or not in JP, is a pedo predator or SA predator

>''be gay, do crime" is a gigachad philosophy
Go back to twitter anon.

This place has been twitter for a while

''be gay, do crime" is old as fuck

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i mean, it's the same series from the mangaka who draws women like this.

That's a different person.

i fail to see the issue here

I think OP's pic is from boku no pico academia


Yes on twitter

Start to breathe through your nose

Eiichiro Oda is just doing self-deprecation in that pic lol. What his female characters lack in visual distinction they make up for in characterization. He's not a misogynist, it's a skill issue.

It's One Punch Man.

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