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Finally an anime about how bleak and manufactured the whole entertainment industry in Japan is.


Wtf this was amazing, I'm going to be so dissappointed if it turns to shit after episode 1 like half of good anime out there


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Aka is beholden to the same exact corporate interests that he criticizes in the manga. Any criticism he directs towards the "darkness" of the entertainment industry is always going to be toothless, because Shueisha wouldn't publish anything that might actually piss off any corporate bigwigs.

For example, Aka's version of "sexual harassment" in the entertainment industry is nobody director being rude to some cosplayer. In the actual Japanese entertainment industry, you have people like Johnny Kitagawa and Hideo Sakaki, but that sort of stuff would he too controversial for Aka to address in the manga. Even Aka's version of the Hana Kimura incident was totally toothless. In real life, Hana Kimura's death immediately destroyed a long running entertainment franchise and led to actual laws being passed. But Aka's version with Akane? Nobody died, the show was allowed to finish, nobody lost their jobs, the controversy was quickly forgotten and everyone moved on. And of course, Aka has managed to sidestep being critical of the music industry, its corruption and how it mistreats young talent by having the idols work for a tiny agency run by Ruby's stepmother who loves her.

All the manga's bluster about the "darkness" of entertainment is just bluster, Oshi no Ko's version of Japan's entertainment industry is way lighter and friendlier than the real version. The only way a manga could truly criticize the Japanese entertainment industry is if it was in some indie alt-manga magazine. And that manga would almost certainly never be translated into English. Read Oshi no Ko for the characters and their stories, but all the entertainment industry stuff is always going to be bland and disappointing.


yet its a lot more critical of showbiz than your average anime/manga, depressingly


> Finally an anime about how bleak and manufactured the whole entertainment industry in Japan is.
That was basically NANA



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Watch the Hackadoll satire of Shirobako if you want more of that, though it's specifically about how shitty it is to work on anime.


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Idolfags are so deranged even as "toothless" as this criticism of idol culture might be it will still piss them off.


I'm amazed what's possibly going to be the next AOTD is produced by fucking Doga Kobo lol


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its all so tiresome


your criticisms of capitalism WILL be subsumed by capitalism itself and you WILL like it


Watch Paranoia Agent


everyone has watched that (and then adds it to their 3x3 grid)


If your criticisms were recuperated, they weren't threatening in the first place.


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Just watched it
While it's a bit of a breath of fresh air to see something coming out of Japan that acknowledges how fucked idol culture is, it still feels very shallow and falls into a lot of the same tropes. Definitely an interesting start, though I'm not so sure how the rest of the series will live up to it given that they're going into the "idol show, but its a whodunnit!" route.
Feels like a much more toned down and moefied Perfect Blue


The series is about the showbiz in general.

>a lot of the same tropes

Such as? Not that tropes are inherently bad, anyway.

Everything gets recuperated.


>muh perfect blue
yawwwn, get a new "criticism", pseud channers want to be movie critics so bad


As someone who enjoyed both, I dont see the connection beyond being about idols. Perfect Blue is basically a portrait of a psychotic break


People think the "entertainment industry" is the bad guy in Perfect Blue even though it is what saves Mima from Rumi.


I myself wouldn't say so. Rumi dies basically out of sheer chance. And the triggers for Mima's break are very unambiguously depicted as being related to systemic expectation and forms of explotiation within the industry


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I think that's a misunderstanding. They are triggers, but not for Mima, who clearly wants to become an actress and has no issues with doing what it takes. She does not break down because of "exploitation", she's being gaslighted and harassed by Rumi. The conflict in the movie is that Rumi wants to vicariously live out her dream of being an idol through Mimarin, but Mima wants to become an actress instead. We know that Rumi has been stalking Mima and writing that diary for at least some time before the events in the movie. She's been grooming Mima to become Mimarin. So when Mima rejects the role and decides instead to become and actress, Rumi tries to scare her back. When Mima "transgresses" idol "etiquette", it is Rumi who is triggered and she's the one who takes revenge. Not Mima. That's why I wrote what I wrote. The entertainment industry, by giving her the opportunity to become an actress and thus taking her away from Rumi, saves Mima from Mimarin and allows her to become herself.


who cares about the criticisms towards the industry, not my problem, and I (like everyone else) already knew that the japanese entertainment industry is much worse than what is depicted here or in any anime for that matter

but here is the real problem: I can't like an idol that goes around fucking random men, this is NTR-tier garbage but here it is even worse because there isn't porn, only the plot. between this and all the generic isekai, this season turned up to be a heap of trash


The show is making fun of people exactly like you.


I figured, no need to waste my time with it then. and yet, whoever watches this is still a сuсk


my gott, is that unironically your point of contention with this anime? are you brain damaged?


Anime fans are some of the most brain damaged beings in existence. At least 1/3 of anime fans should be executed for being subhuman reactionary degenerates.


I can't imagine how psychologically damaged you have to be to think that you're being cucked by an imaginary parasocial relationship


She fucks one (1) guy.


it doesn't matter. Why do you think past relations are taboo in anime? specially with young characters. it is hard to comprehend how an author can understand so little about his job as to write this. he is grossing out like 75% of the potential audience because he couldn't come up with a better device to justify the rest of the story

that's what's wrong with this show. do you really think anyone cares about some liberal criticism against an industry that everyone recognizes is shit?


why are past relationships taboo in anime, anon


>it is hard to comprehend how an author can understand so little about his job as to write this. he is grossing out like 75% of the potential audience
Holy fuck, imagine coming to a leftist imageboard and post this on a thread where the starter image is exactly criticizing the focus on business instead of art.


i think it actually matters a lot that a fictional teenager gets pregnant after being in a relationship with only one man and the only thing otaku can do is sperg out about "cuckoldry" and "whores" lol


and yet, the author seems to agree with me after all, as do most manga authors. I read somewhere that in this second chapter, the author tries to make the point that sexual harassment is prevalent (which is true) but doesn't go all the way (the characters don't actually fuck) because he understands, finally, that the audience doesn't want to have their waifu defiled by a random dude. a better author would have went all the way using a throwaway character, like an acquaintance of the main character

you probably have some elitist definition of art, but the truth is that art, specially anime, has very strict rules. failure to understand these rules isn't transgressive art, but poor craftsmanship by the artist. even the people faking outrage at my comments to virtue signal on an anonymous imageboard know that I'm right


>art, specially anime, has very strict rules
first time i see this gigapseudery to justify obsessive fan behavior lmao


what's really fucking psycho is when sex is seen as defiling but other natural acts aren't. like, you're freaked out by maybe a little cum getting on your precious waifu, but you know she eats, right? every time a girl eats it fills her with shit and makes her fart and piss. yeah but no, it's sex that's defiling her, not the massive bowl breaking shit she takes after wolfing down the tacod bell


I have been eating almost every single day for close to two decades now, yet never had sex. If it really is oh so natural, how do you explain this discrepancy?


The unhinged reactions every thread about this anime gets proves the author right, at least.


Casual sex signifies moral debauchery and nymphomania. This is what japanese societal taboos and corruption hentai do to your mind.


What? She obviously got pregnant from some showbiz star.


the problem is not the sex itself but the fact that the character in this second episode was doing it to further her career, partly coerced by the industry, etc. etc.
it is the same as rape, when a show touches the subject, they use a throwaway character (someone related to the main cast but only relevant as the victim) because you don't want the heroine to be the rape victim


stop being retarded are you some kind of lost 4skin tourist? there are plenty of examples for raped heroines in otaku media, and more importantly, the only kind of person who would consider this a cucking is the absolute worst segment of right-wing otaku who got the ntr brainworms, why should anyone care about their opinion when making their own manga with their own art and their own vision? this entitled mentality is what i don't understand about rightoid weebs, manga artists aren't ai generators meant to pander to you specifically, manga is a very taxing artistic endeavour and you can't always produce the perfect lvl 999 i'm a petty-bourgeois slave owner i murder le bad people and everyone likes me isekai, sometimes you want to draw what you actually feel like


Uhhhhhhhhh so yeah actually there's RULES in anime that say you can't make a minority of otaku angry by making the heroine not a virgin, didn't you know?


and yet, that's the case for, what, 95% of anime? specially those where the focus is on the female characters. take the last X seasons and post the ratio of virgin to non-virgin heroines in sol/cgdct/romance/harem anime. your denial is rather embarrassing


who gives a shit that most anime do this


That's not a "rule", that's a tendency.


some dudes really gonna make the argument that authors should always do the same safe thing everyone else is doing to not upset "the market" with a straight face and on a communist imageboard of all things lmfao


what really weirds me out about these kinds of people is that they want to consoom the same thing over and over, any kind of innovation is basically shunned by them for being soy


I accept your concession


go back to /a/


Bruh Lenin, Marx and even Stalin have all been recuperated in some way


Stalin was was fully recuperated as a Russian nationalist icon, yes, but the other two have not. Marx's criticisms were not "recuperated", they were swept under the rug while academics tried (and failed) to turn him into a simple economist / philosopher / sociologist by discarding the revolutionary core of his writings, thereby discarding Marx altogether. And there's no universe in which Lenin had ever been recuperated lmao


thats what recuperation is


Recuperation is when things happen


>Marx's criticisms were not "recuperated", they were swept under the rug while academics tried (and failed) to turn him into a simple economist / philosopher / sociologist by discarding the revolutionary core of his writings
sounds like recuperation to me :)


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>this show's basic premise


Once again, Marx's criticisms were never recuperated, they were ignored. Any attempt to turn him into an academically friendly figure has failed, because the core of his work is his revolutionary critique, not philosophy. Marx is met with as much vitriol today as he has ever been, unless you're willing to tell me that mentioning him in casual conversation will be met with anything other than a snarl of rage from the average liberal.

The original guy in this thread tried to portray this show being used to advertise other products as an example of recuperation – but this show was never not the product of capital. Even if the show touches on the darker aspects of Idol culture in Japan, it does so in a shallow way, because it's purpose isn't to mercilessly destroy the Japanese entertainment industry and unmask just how fucked it trutly is, it's to sell you a product and make you coom, like every other product of its kind. It's not even a criticism of capitalism, it's the product of some rando manga author realizing "man idol culture is kinda shitty, maybe I can write something about it that can sell?". It's the same garbage pandering to coomer otakus as any other idol anime, as evidenced by the designs and the fact that Ai is not a proper character, but a carbon copy waifu.


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This show's criticisms are bad because… they aren't as subversive as literally Marx. Oh okay.


Anyway Kana is great.


>Once again, Marx's criticisms were never recuperated, they were ignored. Any attempt to turn him into an academically friendly figure has failed, because the core of his work is his revolutionary critique, not philosophy. Marx is met with as much vitriol today as he has ever been, unless you're willing to tell me that mentioning him in casual conversation will be met with anything other than a snarl of rage from the average liberal.

This is the truest take I have ever seen concering Maex.
Most people use commu ism as a slur for ideas they dont like, especially if it asks to curb their appetite.

Yet, irony is, fascism gets alot of sympathy.
I hear of more centrists sympathising with Hitler than I do with Karl Marx.



Nobody said that


you guys are such a drag lmao


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>18 yos are kids

>youth is fragile/innocence

I disagree with the patronizing language but understand the concept


I'm just thankful there's an anime showing stuff like this.


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japanese are incredibly vicious and gossipy, thats why reality shows make up most of their tv programming


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sounds exactly like the kind of thing that would exist in japan


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It even brings to light directors having sex with barely legal actors.



Basically this. I don't know if a spicy take but the original concept was better. Having the story be about a mom raising her two kids as an idol and trying to balance being an actress and worker in the scum that is the Nippon idol industry is a great concept.

To bad they ruined that by having her merced at episode 1 and I knew it was coming. Instead it become murder mystery slop and Ruby's story and even Aqua's just does not hit the same beat and feel imo as Ai's struggle as a single mom having to hide her children.


>screencap 1 and 2
the artstyle reminds me of the Yoru Mac ad.


>the story hits worse than the vague outline of a story i made up in my head


Ignore them, they're a 420chan tourist (I think) schizo-posting across the boards.


NTA but they got a point. The story about Ai was way more interesting. When it shifts to Ruby and Aqua it just did not feel the same.


it was needed to constantly throw shade at the industry as the mc tries to find out the killer. i like what we got

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